Time Senshi of the Crystal Gateways
Since 03-11-98   -->> See Updates

      Making a quality page about a Senshi that is rarely seen and heard is not an easy task. So why do I bother? Get to know SailorPluto and share some of my insights.
      Some thoughts about the Senshi of Time regarding the people she had loved and the events that had moulded her character. These are not fanfictions, merely observations.
      Any questions that people would like to ask will be entertained here. Remember, that I am just an e-mail away. This will be like a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Opinions page.
      Enter the portals to other zones via links or the rings and organizations that this site has joined. Happy surfing! Oh, and here are the keys...just one click and you're where you want to be.

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This site is owned by Ané, and is designed by her neice Ruk as a gift. This site is dedicated to my children Nico, Ian, and Diana.
© 1998 timesenshi@technologist.com

SailorPluto and all Bishoujo Senshi characters are drawn by Takeuchi Naoko and are properties of TOEI Inc.,
Kodansha Manga, and TV Asahi. Philippine version is distributed by Visual Realities Inc.