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Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.

Congratulations to all of the Alpha Chapter Sisters on winning the awards for Excellence in Community Service and Outstanding Leadership within the MultiCultural Greek Council this year at SUNY Albany's First Annual Greek Leadership Awards Ceremony!!

The sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta work hard to embody the ideals of our creed. We strongly believe in the empowerment of the Asian woman and we work alongside our community to help better them and ourselves. Every year, the Alpha Chapter, has helped organizations with fundraising and community service. We hold workshops within our school in order to create an awareness within our community about, for example, women who are abused.

We try to promote the awareness of the Asian/Asian-American culture and heritage amongst the students and faculty members on our campus. We have worked closely with many of the faculty members who are a part of the Asian-American studies department in the University in order to accomplish this. In the future we hope to continue working with them to bring more awareness to our campus.

In addition to this, we work closely with the other Greek and non-Greek organizations to provide services to our community. We have worked closely with Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc., Nu Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, and others, as well as the numerous non-Greek Asian organizations on our campus. We have conducted educational workshops, as well as social events with these organizations on our campus. In the upcoming year, we are looking forward to working with these organizations more. If you would like more information about the events we conducted during our 1999-2000 year please click on our Events Page.

Through our participation in numerous cultural events, conducting educational workshops, and several community service events we try to make the ideals of Sigma Psi Zeta a reality.

Sigma Psi Zeta was founded at the University at Albany on March 23, 1994.
We were founded under the guidance of our founders, Sally Hsieh, Gina Han, Jenny Kim,Jean Kim, Sandra Lam, Winnie Liu, Yan-Chieh Liu, Michelle Macaraig, Sung-Yon Noh, and Loan Trang. They worked hard to create the first Multicultural, Asian-Interest Sorority on campus. And thanks to our founders we have become a sorority filled with strong women who are all working together towards a common goal.

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© Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc., 1999
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