Welcome to AG Corner! Tucked away in a secluded little corner, free from all the rumbling heavy traffic of the vast Intenet cyberway... a tranquil and quiet haven, where one can find peace from within, where nothing much happens... where one can relax after a tedious day in school or at work... where...

Oh! Just get on with it, the way you're rambling on, everyone will be sent off to la-la-land  before you're even half done!

Rurouni: [sulks]
Fine! This is a homepage made by Rurouni and Sano.

Sano: [rolls eyes]
How very welcoming and original!

Let's see if you can do any better then.

Hn. Anything I do is a thousand times better than you anyway! Ahem. Alright! Listen up, people, what you'll find here is a lot of miscellaneous stuff pertaining to things Rurouni and I like, which is mainly manga/anime-related stuff. If you don't like what you find, that's just too bad. If you do, that's well and good. Now, any questions?! No. Good.
[to Rurouni] See? It's as simple as that, don't have to go into whatever crap you were babbling about, what peace and solitude? Blah!

Rurouni: [dripping with sarcasm]
How very welcoming and original!

Of course. You expected any less? Short, plain, simple, direct, precise and to the point. That's my style.

We hope you enjoy your stay here!

Have fun!

Wait! I almost forgot!

What now?

If you like our page enough to want to link to it, you might want to use this cute little button which I made using Paint Shop Pro 5. It's the nicest button I've ever made, all thanks to Sano who taught me how to make buttons and use the program and...

Cute? That silly bunny looks as dumb as you are! Anyway, you should thank my friend, Jeannette instead, she taught me everything I knew.

Ahah! I knew you couldn't be that smart!

Minna-san, just ignore the big-mouth and go on with your visit.

If you managed to find your way here, you'd probably know by now that this page is no longer around. I just don't have the time to maintain both the RK Fanfics Archive as well as this page, so I axed this one. If there's anything you liked on this page and is sad to see it go, just let me know and I'll see if I can fit it in anywhere on the Fanfics Archive.

Don't you think our visitors deserve a better explanation for the closure of the page?

Well, as I stated above, I don't have the time for it. Also there are already so many better pages out there, nobody will miss it.

I tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn't listen!

Yah yah... enough whining already. I have people breathing down my neck and asking me why I have not archived their stuff. It's highly stressful. On contrary to popular belief, I do have a life out there, maintaining the archive is only something I do when I have the time to spare.

Really? I couldn't tell. Look's who's the whiner! [Rurouni glares at Sano.] Uhm... let's all move on to the next place of attraction...

My pride and joy...

The Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu has mutated into this monstrosity... the Rurouni Kenshin Fan-fiction Archive. It stores a collection of  Rurouni Kenshin  fanfics written by authors of all ages, spanning the entire globe. Tracy's research on the history of Japan during those turbulent years wherein which our favourite little red-headed Hitokiri lived in can be found there too!

Yup yup. Do drop in as I only choose what I deem to be good fanfics to archive. The elite, the best of the best written by the best for the best...

There she goes shooting her mouth off again. Rurouni's not all that stringent in her choices of fanfics, so long as you can write well, have a good command of English, your fanfic should be up there with the rest of their buddies, unless, Rurouni did not happen to chance upon your fan-fiction. The only lousy fics there are her own.

Hey! It's my archive, my fics get first priority! A note of warning for all who venture forth... tread carefully, there may be some shounen-ai [boy's love] fanfics etc... I have marked them out. Spoilers are rampant there, so if you want to avoid all these... well, I trust you'll be responsible enough to stay away from whatever you want to stay away from. You have been warned.

Ohohoho! Do I detect the emergence of the legendary Hitokiri Battousai?


I guess not.


What you can hope to find there is a collection of all fanfics both of us have written.

That's right.  Fanfics from a lot of different series, as long as they are written by us, they're all shoved there.  By the way, no one should at any time pillage anything there. We want everything there to be uniquely ours. [evil laughter in the background]

Not unless you are anxious to meet up with Enma Daiou. Steal anything there and you'll find yourself facing a Rurouni turned Hitokiri Battousai and a Sano turned Kenkaya Zanza... If you like what we've written you can even join our fan-fiction mailing list!

Be careful, Rurouni has set several traps in the page... be sure to follow all instructions closely.

You can all thank Pan for the traps. She taught me whatever Java-script you'll encounter in there.



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