Alright crazy people this is my anime homepage/turnpike thingy. I love so many series right now that I wanna just make a homepage for all of em but dang this just this one Im soo lazy so I will just be puttin only the KIK ASS anime series up. Everyone has image galleries so I will only keep those image galleries that I worked really hard on up and mostly I think I'll like put up all my anime doodads and goodies and just whatever I think rocks uh....have fun

really bad yo mama jokes have been told to Crystal today

This Page Last Updated Monday, February 8th, 1999

uhhh these are just gettin started...i recommend you not go there....
Ranma Nibunnoichi page...sorta done...right now its an image gallery and a few character bios goin
My *VERY* under construction El Hazard page...there is *nothing!* here yet so dont go there
Neon Genesis Evangelion page...this one is kinda has an image gallery at least :)
Hey look at *my* anime and drawing...and stuff...yea...uh..i like drew stuff...

Whoa I'm like in a club! and wha@?
I'm the vice president too!? hehehe :P GO an JOIN!!!
It's kewl...really...I promise? heheh

so please be careful where you step
and don't fall into any cement:)


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