Vampyre's Bubblegum Crisis Page

This page has been taken over by VAMPYRE!!!

Well, handed to him on a platter is more like it, but...

Many changes are in store, including new pages and what will eventually be the @#$%^&* biggest Sylia Stingray shrine of all time. Wait and see! I'll make you all pay! PAY DEARLY!!! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! Sylia, Anri, and soon even Sylvie will all make their homes here. Updates will hopefully be more regular than they were with the previous owner. ::glares in direction of the Lazy Imp:: Even a fanfiction section is on its way. With 11MB courtesy of Geocities, who wouldn't want to make a big ass BGC page?!

In Support of Tokyo 2040
DA BOMB [ s y l i a ]
The Temple of Anri-chan
The Bubblegum Crisis Survey

Updated November 4, 1998