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Hello. My name is Alaric Stardancer. I welcome you to the Shadowveldt, or as some call it the Plain of Shadows. I have spent much time exploring these plains and have come across many things. Some I have found to be treasures beyond value. Some I have found to be valueless junk. But even still I have only touched the edges of what the shadows conceal. I am trying to create a list of all that I found of value in the shadows and as I am able I will place within my library a replica of the treasure, at least for a little while. I have even found strange pools of deep shadows that led to wondrous places full of treasure for those who wish them. Again as time goes on I will be able to create a map of these pools that should allow you to travel to these pools on your own. But for now all I can provide is my list and a promise that I will try and make a replica of anything on that list for those who wish it. Use the portals below to travel to the other areas of my home.

This Wizard's Eye will lead you to a list of all the most recent changes around the house.

The Library

Gate Rooms

The RPG Room

If you ask my pet here, he will pass your message on to me.


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