Hi I'm Amaranius. I have a vareity of interests, mostly involving computers and writing. At this site, I have a few samples of what I've done. Most are fanfiction based on Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2 series. Others are from my creative writing classes in high school and college (if I can find them.)

I bet you're wondering about my name, I'll explain later. Over the next few weeks my stories will be appearing, as well as those of my friends. Of course, with the wide range of interests I have, I could write just about anything. But hey, I have to reign myself in somehow.

I host an anime club every month. If you're in the Bloomington-Normal, IL area, drop by.

I'm currently teaching myself Japanese, but not yet ready to practice outside of my family and friends. One day, I shall feel competent enough to read, write, and speak the language. I have to make up for my failure in Spanish somehow.


comments: amaranius@yahoo.com

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