I cannot tell you how happy I am that you have stumbled across my humble Buddhist home page, my good knowing advisor and friend. The true nature of the Mahayana Pure Land School can be exemplified by the following Ch'an story.
One day when Ch'an Master Ling-hsun was studying with his Master, Kuei-tzung,
he suddenly decided to leave and went to his Master to say goodbye.
Kuei-tzung said, "Where are you going?"
Ling-hsun answered, "Back to the mountains."
"You have studied here for thirteen years. Now that you are leaving,
I should tell you the essence of the Dharma (Buddhism). When you are finished
packing, come and see me again."
Ling-hsun followed his Master's instructions, leaving his luggage outside
the door as he went in to see Master Kuei-tzung.
Master Kuei-tzung beckoned to him, "Come over here!"
Ling-shung did as his master said.
The Master said gently, "The weather is cold. Please take good care
of yourself during the journey."
Upon hearing this, Ling-hsun became enlightened.
There is no Teaching higher than this in the Mahayana. Please Take Good Care of Yourself.
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