8/19/98; I added a guide to have Cloud date Yuffie instead of Aerith at the Gold Saucer, I dunno if it works or not but I'm putting it up at the Faqs page for those of you who have the time to waste. There isn't much to add anymore, just enjoy these files for now, I might add some music, I found somewhere with the whole (4 disc) FF7 soundtrack in RA format, but it takes forever to upload so, I dunno if I can add it... =(
4/21/98; |
Welcome to "The Children of Jenova". This site isn't devoted to Jenova or Sephiroth, its just Jenova themed. This FF7 site really wouldn't bring anything new into the net, but rather I will compile all the great discoveries I have made in my treks across the net (Ala my Chrono trigger Site). Hopefully I will make it easier for you to find what you want, when you want it.
This is my third website, and I will try to make it live up to its full potential. Considering the overwhelming success of my Chrono Trigger page, it seems likely that this page will follow in the Chrono site's footsteps.
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