MYSTiCiSM : Pathway to the Seashore..
This page is in need of some *serious* work. Right now the Shrine is being given a huge facelift, but the old site is still there for you to browse through. I have *decided* to move this page off Geocities, due to my objection to their policies in the new Yahoo!Geocities agreement. It shall be moved to my MYSTiCiSM webserver, along with a completely new look and index, so watch for that soon.
The reason for this page is to warn you that *spoilers* are ahead. The character Nagisa Kaworu appears in Episode 24, which is in Genesis 12, so spoilers for that episode will definitely be mentioned beyond this point. There may be random spoilers for other episodes and the movies scattered around as well.
As well as getting new layouts and the such, the Shrine has a new mission. A launch date for the new site as well as other news will be posted here, otherwise the inside sites are now static. I apologize for the inconvenience.
This site is apart of MYSTiCiSM.
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