You are the one to enter this branch of the Kage Shogunate.

Dreadite steps onto the screen. He looks off the edge, and gestures to something.

"Welcome to the Shogunate web page. The Shogunate is currently in a dormant state, so I'm not busy. I'll just go get Chibi-Thunder, and we can get started."

Dreadite walks off. A minute later, Chibi-Thunder walks in, and Dreadite materialises.

"Ok, follow me." Dreadite points to the link below.

"This will let you into the info page. Here you can see all the stuff about our members, including the most recent Writer's Guides. Or you can follow Chibi-Thunder, and see the other stuff." Dreadite walks through the door.

The character info.

Chibi-Thunder waits untill Dreadite leaves, then hops kawaiily around a little.

"Ok. Now that kowai ol' Onnisan has left, I'll start. Well, We've added a Shogunate files page, and deleted the Previosly on the Otaku Wars! page. So go to the files page! Right now it's just art."

"Or if you want to see some places to go, see the exit."

Chibi-Thunder runs to the Shogunate files page.

Kage Shogunate files, art, and various things.

The exit, places to go.

Email Dreadite at

Sailor Moon, and all related properties are copyright TOEI ANIMATION, as well as a few others I don't know. This page is not endorsed by any company or organization 'cept the Shogunate.