It's not like anybody ever comes to this page but I just thought I would remind you that I am not a good updater. I haven't been well lately. There will be some major changes. I learned how to scan pictures in my fifth period photography class so there will be faces to put with all the names on the page. All the Nobodies will now have bodies! Also, if the true test of beauty is that you can look good even after a computer scans you and distorts you...I fail miserably. I will try to put as little of me as I can so to cut back on the glare! Anyways, just thought I'd let you know what's going on. I took the Scott Lacey web page down...he's just not into it that much, it was a joke to begin with, and the members aren't paying their dues...I wonder why? This is my initial site map. I'm seriously not sure whether or not these pages will be done but it's worth a try.
My Underdevelped Sailor Moon Page
Volleyball is My Life...the reason why that is so sad is cuz it's true :)
and yet I don't like it enough to make a link! *Coming Really Soon*
Owatonna touching the hick in all of us...
A Page About Me but do you REALLY want to know the Shorewood fight song?
Nick Lesh Fan Club's not really a fan club but don't tell him, it might hurt his feelings. It's just me paying my respects to the God of all men!
Links to other sites on the Web
Aww hell, I just wanted to make ANOTHER page, so go to my links page!
Now wasn't that exciting?
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That makes you a winner! (or a loser depending on how long you've been surfing the net before you got here)
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How cool am I? I actually have one!
Then again, you can always Look at My Guestbook and make me feel bad about myself because I'm not popular enough for people to take 5 seconds of their time to just sign the damn thing!
I won an award!
I am now the coolest person on earth!