
Yes yes, that stunning Japanese anime show of color, quickness, great characters, cool music, and life, Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, is my favorite TV show, anime, cartoon, etc etc. Below are various things that will either 1.) show you how much it rules or 2.) prove I'm an obsessed psycho. This is not meant to be a full-blown fan page, just my own little tribute.

The Manga

Sailormoon Stuff I Own
CDs I Own (+ reviews)
My Favorites


Since December 17, 1997

This page last updated on December 29, 1998 by Theatre Girl.
e-mail me. Thanks fer stopping by!

"Sailormoon" is (c) 1992-1997 Naoko Takeuchi, (c) 1997 Kodansha, Ltd. It is a trademark of TOEI Animation Co., Ltd. Everything else in these pages is (c) 1998 Theatre Girl.

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