
May All Beings Be Well, Happy and Peaceful
May All Beings, Without Exception, Be Happy Minded

Imagine a stone carving of 
the Buddha

I have made a version of  The Dhammapada (The Buddha's Path of Wisdom), translated by the Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita, available for all those who might be interested. To anyone unfamiliar with early Buddhism I recommend the illuminating introduction to this volume by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Since this translation of the Dhammapada is written with reference to the masculine gender only, I have edited it to represent both masculine and feminine genders. Therefore, any misrepresentation of the original Teaching is solely my fault and responsibility. It is my sincere wish that you find some benefit in reading what has been called "the best known and most widely esteemed text in the Pali Tipitaka, the sacred scriptures of  Theravada Buddhism."*

For those browsers without frames there is also a no-frames version.

To order a copy of this book go to the Buddhist Publication Society's home page.

For other teachings please visit Access to Insight's home page.

Lovingkindness Meditation


Maintained by maxwell@virginia.edu      Resume

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