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Copyright © 1998/2003 Rick-chan.

Ai yori Aoshi Animage Official Aquarian Age Chitchana Yukitsukai Sugar Chobits Cyborg 009 The Five Star Stories Full Metal Panic GAOGAIGAR Final Galaxy Angel GATEKEEPERS 21 OVA Gensomaden SAIYUKI G on Riders .hack Hikaru no Go Inu Yasha Kanon Lupin the 3rd Newtype Official Onegai Teacher Palme no Ki Panyopanyo Di Gi Charat Patapata Hikousen no Bouken RAHXEPHON SAKURA Taisen, the Movie Shaman King Shichi-nin no Nana Tenchi Muyo GXP TURN A GUNDAM VANDREAD the 2nd stage WXIII PATLABOR New X 2002 Chobits TV [ Manga ] CLAMP New " X " 2002 TV WXIII Patlabor the Movie .hack//SIGN TV Rahxephon TV Gate Keepers 21 OVA Onegai Teacher TV Kanon TV Chitcha na Yukitsukai Sugar TV Galaxy Angel TV Aquarian Age TV Tenchi! Muyo GXP TV A Tree of Palme the Movie The Five Star Stories Manga Mahoro Matic TV Ai yori Aoshi TV Shaman King TV STUDIO Ghibli Aibo 2001/11/23 New Robot AIBO info. Ai mai mi Strawberry Egg 2001/8/08 Ai(I) Mai(My) Mi(Me)! Strawberry egg Amamiya Keita 2001/10/14 MIIKE Takashi and AMAMIYA Keita,NEKO-channel Fantastic Movie Festival America 2001/12/01 North America (US and Canada) Anime Bookstores List America 2001/12/01 South America Anime Bookstores List Angelic Layer 2002/1/29 Angelic Layer official Angelic Layer 2001/4/02 Angelic Layer Angelic Layer 2001/4/11 Angelic Layer photo Animage 2001/12/01 Animage and Newtype Animage 2001/12/01 Animage back-number front-page Anime 2001/7/13 Anime today Anime 2001/7/06 Anime Tips Anime 2001/7/05 New Anime official sites Anime 2001/8/12 Anime Golden Rule Chapter 2 Anime 2001/7/04 Anime Golden Rule Chapter 1 Anime 2001/6/20 Anime movie info. Anime Fair 2002/1/18 Tokyo International Anime Fair 21 Anime Forum 2002/3/21 Anime Forum Tokyo Anime List 2001/12/31 List of New Anime Anime New 2002/1/08 New Animes List Anime New 2001/9/08 New-Animes Pictures Anime New 2001/8/16 New Animes in this Autumn Anime New 2001/7/17 New Animes in this Autumn Anime New 2001/6/21 New Animes Anime New 2001/3/27 New Animes in this Spring Anime Voice 2002/3/21 Anime Voice from World -Wide ANNO Hideaki 2002/2/12 ANNO Hideaki and OKABE Isaku Anno Hideaki 2001/10/23 ANNO Hideaki long time interview Anno Hideaki 2001/3/25 ANNO Hideaki Anno Hideaki 2001/3/01 ANNO Hideaki Aquarian Age 2002/2/08 Aquarian Age Argent Soma 2001/3/03 Argent Soma Arjuna 2002/2/16 Arjuna Event Arjuna 2001/3/09 into the another world,Chikyu syoujo Arjuna Arcade Gamer Fubuki 2002/2/02 Arcade Gamer Fubuki Archives 2001/07/01 Anime News Archives Ashita no Joe 2001/10/12 Asita no Joe photo Asia 2001/12/01 Asia (Except Japan) and Pacific( include Australia) Anime Bookstores List A tree of Palme 2002/1/20 A tree of Palme A.T. Votoms 2002/1/23 A.T.Votoms Avalon 2001/4/06 Avalon and Report from Poland Avalon 2001/3/29 Avalon Babel II 2001/8/17 Babel II Baki 2001/3/05 Baki Bayblade 2002/1/07 Bayblade 2002 Berserk 2001/6/19 Berserk Black Jack 2001/6/27 Black Jack,Broadband internet Anime start! Blood the last Vampire 2001/4/10 Blood the last Vampire Bookstores List 2002/1/10 Anime Bookstores list World Wide Bunch 2001/5/14 New Manga magazine "Comic Bunch" ategory 2001/7/10 New Anime Category 2 Category 2001/7/09 New Anime-Categories Example Category 2001/6/18 Anime New Categories (ISBN4-87295-077-1) CG 2002/2/06 CG Carnival Chance Triangle session 2001/8/20 Chance Triangle session + Nono-chan Character 2001/9/17 Anime Character cards Chobits 2002/2/11 CLAMP New Anime " Chobits " Cosmo Warriors Zero 2001/9/05 Cosmo Warriors Zero Cosplay 2002/2/08 Cosplay Festival 2002 Cosplay 2001/7/10 Cosplay Cowboy Bebop 2001/11/18 On Air : Cowboy Bebop,konckin' on heaven's door Cowboy Bebop 2001/10/21 Cowboy Bebop Official site close Cowboy Bebop 2001/9/05 Cowboy Bebop,the movie Cowboy Bebop 2001/9/04 On Demand "Cowboy Bebop" Tengoku no Tobira (Knockin' on heaven's door) Cowboy Bebop 2001/9/01 Cowboy Bebop, Tengoku no Tobira ( knockin' on Heaven's door ) photo Cowboy Bebop 2001/8/26 Cowboy Bebop Tengoku no Tobira Cowboy Bebop 2001/8/25 Cowboy Bebop Tengoku no Tobira Cowboy Bebop 2001/7/10 Figure and Cowboy Bebop Cowboy Bebop 2001/4/19 Cowboy Bebop knockin' on heaven's door Dangaioh 2001/5/22 Hajya kyosei Great Dangaioh (dot) hack 2002/1/28 .hack DVD 2001/8/26 DVD CD info Escaflowne 2001/11/20 PPV Anime Festival Europe 2001/12/01 Europe Anime Bookstores List Evangelion 2001/12/14 Evangelion Manga and Figure combination Evangelion 2001/10/9 2002 Evangelion Original Calendar Evangelion 2001/7/31 Evangelion-Search Event 2001/10/27 Event info Event 2001/10/24 Tokyo international Fantastic Film Festival Event 2001/6/21 New Animes and events Fair 2002/2/09 Neo Genesis Tokyo international Anime Fair 21 Eve Fair 2002/1/18 Tokyo International Anime Fair 21 Fair 2001/9/07 TOKYO INTERNATIONAL ANIMATION FAIR 21 Festival 2002/2/09 Tokyo Media Art Festival Festival 2002/1/19 Tokyo Toy Festival Festival 2001/10/14 MIIKE Takashi and AMAMIYA Keita,NEKO-channel Fantastic Movie Festival Final Fantasy Unlimited 2002/1/24 Final Fantasy Unlimited official Final Fantasy Unlimited 2001/12/03 Final Fantasy Unlimited and Ghibli Museum Final Fantasy Unlimited 2001/10/10 Final Fantasy Unlimited Final Fantasy Concert 2001/12/01 Final Fantasy Orchestra Concert Final Fantasy 2001/9/13 FF Tips Final Fantasy 2001/9/06 Anime Final Fantasy Foma 2002/3/12 Foma and UTADA Hikaru photo Forum 2002/3/20 Anime News Tokyo Forum From Tokyo 2002/3/21 Anime News from Tokyo Forum Fruits Basket 2001/8/15 Fruits Basket Fruits Basket 2001/8/12 Fruits Basket Fruits Basket 2001/8/10 Fruits Basket Fubuki 2002/2/02 Arcade Gamer Fubuki Gainax 2001/7/13 Gainax info. Gainax 2001/12/16 Gainax Live Galactic 2001/8/12 The Legend of Galactic Heroes Gasaraki 2001/5/03 Gasaraki Tips Gate Keepers 2002/2/01 Gate Keepers21 Gene shaft 2001/4/28 Gene Shaft Ghibli 2001/9/18 Ghibli Museum Godzilla 2001/11/19 24hrs Godzilla Festival Godzilla 2001/8/14 New Godzilla Godzilla 2001/6/20 Godzilla Great Dangaioh 2001/5/22 Great Dangaioh GTO 2001/4/08 G.T.O photo Gundam Halo 2002/2/15 Gundam Mascot Robot Halo Gundam Turn A 2002/2/09 Neo Genesis Tokyo International Anime Fair 21 Eve Gundam Robot 2002/1/17 Gundam Robot info Gundam Plamo 2002/1/16 Gundam Plamo info Gundam 2002/1/14 Photo of Gundam Gundam 2001/12/02 Gundam and nadesiko ;Figure shop info Gundam 2001/10/09 2002 Gundam Original Calendar Gundam 2001/9/04 Gundam Officials Gundam 2001/6/24 Gundam Ace Gundam 2001/4/07 Gundam W+08MS and Report from Philippine Gundress 2001/6/27 Gundress photo Guu 2001/4/26 Jungle wa itsumo Hare nochi Guu H --- .hack 2002/1/28 .hack Halo 2002/2/15 Gundam Cure Robot Halo Hajimeno Ippo 2001/4/10 Hajimeno Ippo photo Happy Lesson 2002/2/05 Happy Lesson Hellsing 2002/2/17 Hellsing Hikaru no Go 2001/12/02 Hikaru no Go theme song;"Kids a live" Xmas Special Concert Hikaru no Go 2001/8/16 Tennis no Ouji-sama + Hikaru no Go Honou no Shinkirou 2002/1/07 Honou no Shinkirou = Mirage of Blaze top I--- Iizuka Mayumi 2002/2/07 Seiyu ; IIZUKA Mayumi Info 2001/9/08 New info Initial D 2002/3/18 Initial D Arcade stage photos Initial D 2002/1/22 Initial D Battle Stage Initial D 2001/4/21 Initial D and Report from Chile Initial D 2001/4/20 Initial D Third Stage Inoue Takehiko 2002/2/09 Media Art Festival International Anime Fair 2002/1/18 Tokyo international Anime Fair21 Inu Yasha 2001/8/27 Inu Yasha Inu Yasha 2001/7/30 Inu Yasha Inu Yasha 2001/6/22 Inu Yasha Inu Yasha 2001/6/20 Inu Yasha and Gundress Inu Yasha 2001/3/07 Inu Yasha Italy 2001/4/22 Report from Italy top J--- Japanese 2001/4/02 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 9 Japanese 2001/3/21 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 8 Japanese 2001/3/17 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 7 Japanese 2001/3/13 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 6 Japanese 2001/3/09 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 5 Japanese 2001/3/07 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 4 Japanese 2001/3/05 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 3 Japanese 2001/3/03 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 2 Japanese 2001/3/01 Learn Japanese for understanding Anime 1 Jungle wa itsumo Hare nochi Guu 2001/4/26 Jungle wa itsumo Hare nochi Guu top K--- Kasahara Hiroko 2002/2/04 Seiyu;KASAHARA Hiroko Kaidoumaru 2001/10/16 Anime "Kaidoumaru" Production IG Anime Festival Kanon 2001/12/18 Kanon Karekano and OSHII 2001/4/23 Karekano and OSHII Kaze no Youjinbou 2001/10/6 New Anime;"Kaze no Youjinbou" King of Bandit Jing 2001/12/17 Oh Dorobou Jing = King of Bandit Jing Kin Niku Man Nisei 2001/12/18 Kin Niku Man Nisei Kitty 2002/2/09 Hello Kitty Festival Kokoro Toshokan 2001/8/17 Kokoro Toshokan Kon Satoshi 2002/2/09 Media Art Festival top L--- Link index 2001/3/01 Anime World Network List of New Animes 2002/1/09 List of New Animes and Official Links List of New Animes 0201/11/14 New Anime List index List of New Animes 2001/11/13 List of New Animes in this Winter List of New Animes 2001/10/8 List of New Anime:2001/Oct.Final Version of Tokyo Region List of New Animes 2001/9/27 List of New Animes with pictures Love Hina Again 2002/1/25 Love Hina Again Love Hina 2001/12/01 Love Hina event Lupin the 3rd 2001/12/03 Lupin the third Exhibition Lupin the 3rd 2001/10/4 Siam Neko,the origin of Lupin 3rd Lupin the 3rd 2001/8/06 Lupin III Lupin the 3rd 2001/6/20 Lupin the 3rd and Ghibli anime movie Lupin the 3rd 2001/3/31 Mr.Monkey Punch,author of "Lupin the 3rd" top M--- Mahoro Matic 2001/8/17 Mahoro Matic Manga 2001/7/18 Manga Top10 Weekly Manga 2001/7/10 Manga Top 10 in Japan(weekly) Manga 2001/6/17 Manga rank top10(weekly) Manga 2001/10/25 tokyo-manga mailing List Manga 2002/1/05 Manga News Tokyo Mann 2001/4/25 Ten Nen Syoujyo Mann Mazinger Z 2001/12/22 Mazinger Z Media Art festival 2002/2/09 5th Media Art Festival Metropolis 2001/12/02 Rintaro talk and Live show Metropolis 2001/6/03 Metropolis photo Metropolis 2001/4/24 Metropolis Miike Takashi 2001/10/14 MIIKE Takashi and AMAMIYA Keita,NEKO-channel Fantastic Movie Festival Miike Takashi 2001/4/25 MIIKE Takashi's Ten Nen Syoujyo Mann Mini Pat 2002/2/13 OSHII Mamoru's Mini Pat ( Mini Pato , Mini Patlabor ) Mirage of Blaze 2001/12/15 Honou no Shinkirou = Mirage of Blaze Miyazaki Hayao 2002/4/05 Today's topics Miyazaki Hayao 2002/2/09 Media Art Festival Miyazaki 2001/7/11 MIYAZAKI Hayao Miyazaki 2001/10/23 The secret of MIYAZAKI-Anime Mpeg 2001/8/26 Mpeg Muryou 2002/2/03 Nadeshiko and Muryou top N--- Nadeshiko 2002/2/03 Nadeshiko and Muryou Neko Taruto 2001/8/13 Mahou Syoujyo Neko Taruto New Anime 2002/1/08 New Animes List New Anime 2001/9/08 New-Animes Pictures New Anime 2001/8/16 New Animes in this Autumn New Anime 2001/7/17 New Animes in this Autumn New Anime 2001/6/21 New Animes New Anime 2001/3/27 New Animes in this Spring Newtype 2001/12/01 Newtype and Animage Newtype 2001/12/01 Newtype back-number front-page Noir 2001/6/11 Noir top O--- Okojo 2001/8/17 Okojo san Okojo 2001/10/10 Shiawase-sou no Okojo san OL Visual-K 2001/5/12 OL Visual-K Omizu no Hanamichi 2001/6/12 Omizu no Hanamichi On Line Anime 2001/9/20 On Line Anime Onmyoji 2001/8/28 Onmyoji Onmyoji 2001/6/17 Onmyoji Oshii Mamoru 2002/2/13 OSHII Mamoru's Mini Pato Oshii Mamoru 2002/2/12 OSHII Mamoru Live Talk Show Oshii Mamoru 2001/10/11 OSHII Mamoru Anime Festival top P--- Palme 2002/1/20 A tree of Palme Pata Pata Hikousen no Bouken 2001/12/17 Pata Pata Hikousen no Bouken Pato 2002/2/13 OSHII Mamoru's Mini Pato Patlabor 2002/2/12 OSHII Mamoru Live Talk show Patlabor WXIII 2002/4/01 Patlabor WXIII Photo Patlabor WXIII 2002/3/01 Patlabor WXIII Air info. Patlabor WXIII 2002/1/25 Patlabor WXIII Pretear 2001/5/02 Pretear Project Arms 2001/6/15 Project Arms top Q--- top R--- Rahxephon 2002/2/19 Rahxephon Rahxephon 2002/1/07 Rahxephon Rave 2001/8/17 Rave Real 2002/2/09 Media Art Festival Realbout Highschool 2001/8/16 Realbout Highschool Realbout Highschool 2001/7/13 Real bout Highschool and Gonzo info Red Shadow 2001/6/14 Aka Kage = Red Shadow Resources 2001/9/22 Resources Rez 2001/12/01 Rez Event info Robot Halo 2002/2/15 Gundam Robot Halo Robot 2002/1/17 Gundam Robot info Robot 2001/9/10 Robot Rose of Versailles 2001/4/27 Berusaiyu no Bara (Berubara) = Roses of Versailles Rurou ni Kenshin 2002/1/15 Rurou ni Kenshin Seisou-Hen top S--- Sailor Moon 2001/12/01 Opera " Sailor Moon " info Saiyuki 2001/8/26 SAIYUKI Requiem Saiyuki 2001/8/25 Saiyuki,the requiem photo Saiyuki 2001/3/13 SAIYUKI Sakura Taisen 2002/2/11 Seiyu:YOKOYAMA Chisa and SAKURA Taisen Sakura Taisen 2001/12/22 Sakura Taisen Photo Sakura Taisen 2001/5/21 Sakura Taisen Sakura Taisen 2001/11/03 Sakura Taisen Dinner Show Sakura 2001/4/01 Sakura Photo :Tokyo Region Sci-Fi Harry 2001/3/21 Sci-Fi Harry Scryed 2001/7/26 Scryed Scryed 2001/7/13 Scryed Seikai no Senki 2001/7/14 Seikai no Senki Seikai no Senki 2001/7/13 Seikai no Senki Seiyu 2001/8/11 Seiyu-database Sen to Chihiro 2002/2/09 Media Art Festival Sen to Chihiro 2001/7/12 Trailer of Sen to Chuhiro(Spirited away) Sen to Chihiro 2001/7/08 Ghibli ,Sen to Chihiro Resources Sen to Chihiro 2001/7/07 Sen to Chihiro (Spirited Away) Links Sen to Chihiro 2001/6/19 Sen to Chihiro Sen to Chihiro 2001/6/14 Sen to chihiro Background knowledge Sen to Chihiro 2001/3/17 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakusi Sen to Chihiro 2001/6/ 02 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi photo Shaman King 2001/8/15 Fruits Basket + Shaman King Shaman king 2001/8/07 Sharman King Slam Dunk 2001/3/23 Mr.INOUE Takehiko,Manga Creator of "Slam Dunk" Soul Taker 2001/4/09 The Soul Taker Soul Taker 2001/10/21 The soul taker ,Special version Star Ocean EX 2001/6/10 Star Ocean EX Sugar 2001/10/10 Chitchana Yuki tsukai Sugar top T--- Taiho Shichauzo 2001/5/19 Taiho Shichauzo (You're under arrest) Tenchi Muyo SASAMI 2002/2/11 Seiyu :YOKOYAMA Chisa Tenchi Muyo GXP 2002/1/21 Tenchi Muyo GXP Ten Nen Syuojo Mann 2001/4/25 MIIKE Takashi's Ten Nen Syoujyo Mann Tennis no Oujisama 2001/8/16 Tennis no Ouji-sama Tokyo 2001/4/12 Tokyo Roads photo Toy Festival 2002/1/19 Tokyo Toy Festival Turn A Gundam 2002/2/09 Neo Genesis Tokyo international Anime Fair Eve TV Tokyo 2001/10/31 how to download top U--- Utada Hikaru 2002/3/12 UTADA Hikaru photo Utada 2001/4/09 UTADA Hikaru photo top V--- Vandred 2001/8/17 Vandred Vagabond 2001/6/16 Vagabond Votoms 2002/1/23 A.T.Votoms top W--- Weiss Kreuz Gluhen 2002/1/15 Weiss Kreuz Gluhen top X--- X 2001/10/23 New " X " (2001-2002) top Y--- Yamadera Kouichi 2001/6/13 YAMADERA Kouichi Yaoi 2001/7/17 Yaoi Yokoyama Chisa 2002/2/11 Seiyu : YOKOYAMA Chisa top Z.O.E. 2001/4/18 Z.O.E.