iffany's apanese  
Hi there! *curtsy* Welcome to my kingdom. ^_^ The royal animations have been waiting for ur arrival. Together, we have set up a welcoming Royal Ball on ur behalf. I believe their highnesses are waiting for u at the Royal Ball. Please proceed there rite now. (I think u know the procedure. Just click on Queen Serenity (or the Sailor Moon link) and I'll take u to ur designation.)  :o)

he  oyal all

Sailor Moon

The sailor scouts are battling evil and
enjoying themselves at the same time
at the Royal Ball. Check them out!!

The Second Royal Ball
The Sanrio characters are here!! Come and check them out.


Tiffany's Music Land
I'm starting to create a music page and to start it off, my page will be featured on my all-time fav group, the Backstreet Boys. Check it out now!!

Tiffany's Music Land

Look who's joining us soon for our third Royal Ball. Please remember to check back soon when the Dragon Ball gangs are gonna join in on our party. Cause with them, the party's gonna be slammin' with actions.

Dragon Ball

Thanx Section!!
I'd like to thanx my cousin Jen (Jenny) for all her help and support on my hp, and I would also like to 
thanx my bro (u know who u are) for his help and occasionally, a supporting put down. 
Oh, and of course, thanx to the peepz who visit my hp.

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Please email me if u have any suggestions or comments.  Also, if u'd like to see
any of the pics on my page in its original size, feel free to email me about it.  Thanx!

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