Sheer Lunacy! Logo


Hi there, Sailor Moon fans, and welcome to Sheer Lunacy! - A Nitpicker's Guide to Sailor Moon Universe, a webpage designed to be - though that doesn't necessarily mean that it is at the moment - the ultimate reference guide to the wonderful world of the magical girl anime series Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. Once you've had your first peek at any one of the numerous sections found here, you will come to fully understand a) how this place got its name and b) why "sheer lunacy" may very well be a fitting and accurate description of my state of mental health as well.

The reason for arriving at either one of these conclusions is simple: the heart and soul of this website - a little something I modestly call The Ultimate Sailor Moon Encyclopedia! - current contains a little over one hundred detailed entries referring to the various people, places and things that make up the Sailor Moon Universe, including names and descriptions of all the heroes, supporting characters, and villains, including the various Youma, Cardians, Droids, Lemures, Phages, and much, much more.

And that's not counting the other sections. Hell, if this document can't provide you with what you want to know, you will, at the very least, most likely be referred to someone who can help you. At least I hope so, anyway.


This document is probably the gosh darn biggest spoiler you ever did see. So, if you're one of those people - you know who you are!  - turn back now or risk having your day ruined. You have been warned. Also, as an ongoing experiment of sorts in order to try and keep things interesting as well as enhance the maneuverability and relative primitive layout of this website, I've introduced a few JavaScript and Frames tricks into the mix, so make sure your browser supports both or you're gonna be in deep doo-doo. Well, now that that's all said and done, on with the show!

The Sheer Lunacy! Directory

General Series Information
The Moonlight Legend (The entire series in a nutshell.) - not yet active
A Brief History Of Time: The Sailor Moon Chronology (A timeline of the entire series.)
The Ultimate Sailor Moon Episode Guide! (An...uh, episode guide. ^_^;)

Detailed Series Information
The Ultimate Sailor Moon Encyclopedia!
(An alphabetical list of crap! With pictures! Yes people, marvel at the project that got SO out of control I gave it its very own website! o_o)
The Pun Is The Highest Form Of Humor (Puns and in jokes.)
Minerals, Gems and Stones...Oh My! (Villain names and other creative uses for jewelry.)
Mythology 101 (Mythological and religious references in Sailor Moon.) - not yet active
The Mystic Planetarium (Astronomical and astrological references in Sailor Moon)
The X-Files: Sailor Moon Weirdness (Sailor Moon at its strangest. o_0)
The Boombox (Lyrics for a whole mess of songs, in just about any language.) - not active

Character Information
Private Parts
(Your basic Sailor Soldier and Tuxedo Mask personal profiles.)
Putting Words In Their Mouths (Tidbits of information on the voice actors and actresses.) - not active

What Did You Call Me? (What Sailor Moon characters are called in other countries.)

Background Information
It's All Japanese To Me! (Your very, very, very basic Japanese language guide.) - not active
About The Author (Information on Naoko Takeuchi. Not on me. ^_^;) - not active
A World Of Difference: Manga Vs. Anime (From the drawing board to the big screen...) - not active
A World Of Difference: North America Vs. Japan (The ugly consequences of inferior dubbing and substandard translation. ^_^;) - not active

Extras and Other Fun Stuff
FAQ You!
(You got questions? I got answers! ^_^;)
Credits And Links (A list of the people responsible for this abomination, not to mention a ton of links.)
Moonlight Messages (Several people demanded a sign the damn thing! ^_^;)
Lunatic Party! (Post messages for other Sailor Moon fans and otaku to see on this message board!)
Raving Lunatics (Talk with other Sailor Moon fans and otaku in real time in this chat room!)

Special thanks to my friends Cybèle Arnaud, Aubri Archer, Yumiko Tanaka, Lahm-Shing Wu, and especially Elenora Stilwell - I love you, girl! - for all their love and support, the entire staff of the Beaconsfield Municipal Library for their invaluable assistance during my long hours of research, Lotti Schmid and Nick Bramos down at the Marianopolis College Computer Lab for helping me figure out Windows and Netscape Navigator , Devin de Gruyl, Toto, Jennifer Allison Wand and Stayka deyAvemta - as well as their respective websites, The Sailor Moon Cel Gallery, Sailor Moon & Sailor Stars Screen Shots R, The Sailor Moon Fan-Request Picture Gallery and Stayka's Dark Kingdom Home - for many of the pictures and stuff, Ms. Haruna for allowing me to make direct links to several of her MOVs and AVIs at Ms. Haruna's Homeroom while it still existed on the Internet , Nina Olligschläger, Ken Arromdee, Lynn Hamilton, Hitoshi Doi and Professor Tom Looser of McGill University's Faculty of Language for all the help and information and especially to Janelle Jimenez - Sailor Mars and Sailor Saturn fan extraordinaire! - of The Everchanging Sailor Moon Gateway who helped me fill in several of the gaps in my Sailor Moon knowledge and to Jay Navok for the webhosting offer. Thank you one and all!

And an extra special thanks to that very talented author and shoujo manga artist Naoko Takeuchi, whose wonderful imagination and creativity helped inspire this webpage and completely took over my life. Hope that we cross paths again one day.

Sorry that so many of the links on this page don't work yet, even after all these many years online. It's still under heavy construction and probably always will be, and the fact that I'm working on my M.Sc. in Biochemistry doesn't help matters much, either. Still, I'm doing the best I can! Don't give up on my website just yet and, by all means, spread the word to all your friends. The higher the number on my counter, the more encouraged I am to work hard to update this second rate webpage!

And if anyone out there - for some strange reason beyond my meager ability to comprehend the human condition - should want to e-mail me, The Lunar Archivist , you can do so at After a number of personal difficulties and academic disasters, I've managed to get far enough back on track to deal with as much of the backlog that's been accumulating in my Inbox since September 2000 as humanly possible considering that there are a hell of a lot of people who've changed e-mail addresses since then. Damn you AOL! While I'd appreciate it if you'd only write to ask me questions if you're completely stumped for answers, praise or compliments of any kind are always welcome and especially e-mail from any available cute or sexy otaku girls interested in getting to know me better for whatever reason... *winks*

Sheer Lunacy! - A Nitpicker's Guide to the Sailor Moon Universe first officially went online on November 28, 1997 and last underwent mitosis on April 18, 2003.

Number of Youma casualties in Sailor Moon so far: Counter

The Lunar Archivist with his favorite magical anime girls :)
Extra special thanks to my favorite cousin Joey "Roach" Gohu for this
ultra mega cool pencil sketch! You are da nuclear bomb, cuz! ;)

Sailor Trixie! :)
The Anime Web

The HTML document with a heart! :)

This website is powered by the

("otome kairo" or "Virgin Circuit")

Legal Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and all distinctive likenesses thereof are copyrights and trademarks of Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, Kodansha, and a whole mess of other people with bigger bank accounts and better lawyers than me. ^_^; I make no claim to any of these characters - though I wish I did have some leeway so I could have spared North American fans from their utterly traumatizing MixxZine and Cloverway experiences *shudders* :P - and pray to god that they will find it their collective hearts to not sue my sorry butt into next Thursday. ^_^; Unless otherwise noted and credited, all information and graphics found on this website are copyrights of The Lunar Archivist, 1997-2003.