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people here since 5/1/98.

Marutchi's Note Pad

12/6/00 - Wow...geez..such a long time without an update. First I got involved with my Gaming site, then I worked a bit on my diary It's also Christmas! This is my traditional Christmas update. I really need to renovate the rest of the site, by my pc is too slow to handle it really. Luckily, I'm getting a new pc for Christmas, a 1GHz beauty. I hopwe to update more, but as recent trends for me are not to update...Also, over the summer, you may have noticed that famous Tamagotchi websites are closing down. I will probably not do this for quite a while, not because I am a Tamagotchi obsessor anymore, but because this site has great sentimental value to me. Though if I ever did close, I would leave the pages up to be viewed forever. Such a sad writing for Christmas...Christmas is my favorite time of year. It's so exciting. Anyway, I hope to expand my Christmas section in the future, so look for an update sometime this month. Cya!

6/10/00 - Well, summer vacation is upon us. Time to relax and take a break. I got out on Friday the 2nd. I hope to have lots of updates this summer. I leave for vacation next Saturday, and I hope to take my Forestgotch with me. Since I never kept a log of the first one I raised, I will this time. Speaking of Diaries, I created diaries at for all of my logs. I even completed my Osutchi Diary!!! It works much like a guestbook, where I type in a title and then write an entry. The link is now up in the Osutchi section, but to view the ones for my Ocean Tam, see the temporary link below. I have onbe set up for 1st and 2nd Generation Tams, but I need to put in the entries. I hope to update again next week. Ta-Ta for now! ;)

Last Updated on December 6, 2000.

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A Rare Sight!
This is a real picture. I put it on through Silver Surfer's's scanner. They are my Tamagotchi. I might make one soon that has the best from all types! '_' I have a 2 First Generations, 2 Second Generations, a Tamagotchi Angel, 2 Tamagotchi Ocean, an Osutchi, a Forestgotchi, 3 stuffed egg keepers,a Tamagotchi CD-Rom, and a Tamagotchi for Game Boy.
COPYRIGHT 1998, 1999, & 2000 "Marutchi Bonanza"

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