Pretty Senshi Sanctuary

Welcome to the new and improved, faster loading version of Pretty Senshi Sanctuary. This site was built to honor each and every Senshi of Sailor Moon. You'll find a lot of things to do here, along with rare pics. Please do not take them, because most of them I have either scanned myself or have had friends scan for me. If you would like to use them, please email me, the webmistress for permission. I also ask that you please sign my guestbook and rank/vote for my site. Thank you, and enjoy your stay! If you would like to see the old version of the Sanctuary, just go here.

Pretty Senshi Sancuary Ahead
So much to do, so little time...
Last Updated July 12, 1999
Note - This Site Is Best Viewed On Aol's Browser

Sailor Moon Juke Box - Midis, wavs, etc

Clubs The Sanctuary Supports - Sailor Moon clubs and orgainzations that I am included in

Rings - Web rings

Senshi Database - Profiles on the Senshi

Awards to the Sanctuary - Awards given to this site

Silver Star Award - My award that I give out. Enter to win today! Or, vote for a site already in the running!

Sanctuary Banners - Please link this site

Episode List - A listing of episodes

The Disclaimer and Credits - Copyright and my thanks

Sanctuary Link Exchanges - Link exchanges

Time To Travel - Sites worth seeing

Lyndsay - Learn a little about the web mistress
Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook

I know you want to mail me!

Notice! Ok, people, here's the deal. I currently looking for a little help, someone to be my second in command, my partner. I'm having a little trouble lately being able to update everyday like I used to be able to. I would like someone who can help me, maybe be able to make new buttons and banners for each page and do little fix its on the page when I can't. I'll make it so every email from the page goes to both me and whoever wants to help. I'll give you my password and sign on name, along with anything else you would like. I was hoping to give the Sanctuary a total overhaul, and I have an idea what I want it to look like, but I also want to hear your opinions. Just email me with your name and qualifications and I will get right back to you.

If you only choose one to do, please choose the S.M.F.W. because I am currently in third place!! I'm really excited about that, so please vote for me so I can maybe get a little bit higher!

And please be fair and don't rank my site extremely low. I realize this site looks different on different broswers, but I am trying hard to fix that. This site looks best on AOL. I know on other browsers, my images dont always show up, and my font is just plain and boring, and I'm sorry. I am working on it. Just please keep that in mind.

I would like to thank everyone who voted for the Sanctuary in the SMFW Best Website Contest. I won second place and a kewl prize! Thanks!

Thanks Again!

(1=Poor . . . 10=Excellent)

Sailor Moon Top 20

(1=Poor . . . 10=Excellent)

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