Kat's "My Ex BiG, BiG AMeRiCaN HoNeY" HoMe PaGe
Sawatdee Ka!
You've found the Web site that people all across the great land of Alaska and around the world are discovering, sharing with their friends, and talking about.  Says one reviewer: "Although it is sad, it is clever and touching, and more than a little disturbing."  Another says "the guy is j. random loser, big pretensions, probably little other parts .... Your luck you found out before you actually came into physical contact with him."  

This is Kat's poignant story about her chance meeting with a self-described flabby, middle-age man from Alaska on the Internet and how through e-mail messages he quickly became infatuated and consumed with lust for her.  It's a passionate, steamy, and zany tale of Internet romance against which the supermarket romance novels and tabloids pale in comparison.  

It was a flawed romance, doomed from the start because sweet young Kat's love interest later is found to be a married man with children who conceals this from and deceives Kat.  But Kat doesn't fall for the decepion and learns the truth on her own.   And when Dick suggests that they meet in Seattle in August for a long weekend of sex in hopes of fulfilling his "innocent school girl" fantasy, Kat readily agrees and then stands him up.  At first Dick was worried about her no-show in Seattle, but within hours was shocked and angered when Kat sent him a link to this Web page and revealed him to the world.  

Is Dick Jellymouse the poor, hapless, pitiful victim of an elaborate hoax --a gullible, lonely man caught in the throes of mid-life crisis and misled by an excess of testosterone, an inflated ego, and an obsession with an "innocent school girl" fantasy?   Are beautiful women his Achille's heel--the thing that would cause him to risk extracurricular liaisons, both on a vacation to Thailand and later through correspondence with Asian women?  

And who is Kat---is she really the sweet, innocent Asian college student that she portrays herself to be, or an evil temptress who deceived her intended her prey with sweet talk,  or a 13 year old boy from Cleveland, Ohio?  What was it that she saw in Dick Jellymouse that caused her to fall in love with him?  

Read on, and form your own conclusions.  A name has been changed to protect the guilty.  Dick Jellymouse is  indeed real, but that name is an alias; his real name is unimportant.  

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