Cletus n' Brandine's Punk Gee-tar Ekwipmint Payg! |
"Hey, i'm Cletus and this here is Brandie. We'd likes to welcome you to our webpage thing. Here you can find out stuff like what kinda guitars and amps bands like Braid use. If you gots info on a band you like that ain't listed, write Brandine and tell her to put them up there. Her e-mail at the bottom of the page. If you got time, you might could sign the damn guestbook that no one ever signs cuz they too damn good to sign it.
"Come on in to the house to have a look see at the bands. Brandine got some coon cookin' on the stove and hot damn we just bought a carton of Marlboros." |
"You don't sign the damn guestbook you don't get no roadkill fer dinner. Sorry, them's the rules." |
sign the damn guestbook. |
view the damn guestbook. |
clicks on the Georgia State flag to have a look see at our links. |
Write Brandine. |
questions? comments? grammar corrections? bands you'd like to see? |
folks ate grits and listened to some Skynard at our house. |