I stumbled across my website and decided to do shit to it again, now that I have no life. But we shall see if I actually do something... but my guess is no.Click Here!

October 22, 2004
Ok so I've added pictures, but the only ones you can view larger are the Mall pictures. I also added a Guest book, a working one.Click Here!

October 21, 2004
Wow.. I guess I make a update once a year... But not anymore! I got the website bug again, or at least for the day, so off I go trying to make things pretty again!!! I think I start off In the picture department.

July 3, 2003
Oh Im back and I'm feeling all hyped up so I just might make a website.. maybe... maybe...

August 29, 2002
I've changed my site, it will be a long time till its all good and shit. I'll have stories about the stupid shit me and my possy do, bio's about me, and my friends. A comic called Nuts on Icecream... though i Dont know how I'll get it in the computer... Bye!

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