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Wired since 10/11/99.
Home of the RANMA½ RPG!
Last Update: 05/22/2000 (Links)
Hello all. Those of you who come to the site regularly (if there even ARE any of you out there who do :P) may have noticed I have been overly lazy about updates. Well, good news: I hope to have a couple new banners, a few more pics and other miscellaneous updates in the next week or two. So...stay tuned!
LINK TO ME! (Link free!)
Please, if you like my page, add a link to it! Kas' Apartment is link free, which means that anyone can link to my page without permission. If you do link, however, please send me your name and URL. I'll probably return the favour!

Main - Welcome! This is the site where you'll find artwork by Kas, as well as RPG-related material and links to Japanese CG artists!

CG Gallery - Artwork created by me! (Kas) as well as rough sketches and gift art by fans.

Downloads - Utlities, Music and, of course, RPG material and suppliments I have created/found. Also home of the RANMA½ RPG!!

Darkroom - What's in here?...That's a good question....

Links - Links to pages of friends, useful sites, Japanese CG artists and anyone else I feel like. Check out the Japanese CG search engines!!
E-mail Me - Talk to the man himself! Seriously, if you have any questions/coments/flames, feel free to write to me! You can reach me at:
All images on this page drawn by me are İKas; you may download them for personal (viewing) use, but you may not use them on your own web pages / other productions without my permission. Any art by other sources will be noted (if possible); similarly, you must contact them if you want to use their art. If you see any of your art on this page you don't want displayed, contact me and it will be taken down. All downloads are for private use only - the Ranma½ RPG is property of Kas and Cryohazard, all characters represented within and on this page are property of their respective owners.