Jaime's Pages
Boy are you in for a treat! I dug deep into the photo collection for this edition of my site. And I'm probably in for a royal buttwhoopin' from everyone featured here!
I dedicate these pages to my beautiful sister Anna. I love you "D"!!
I figured in fairness I should slap on a couple of my best shots. (above) There's plenty more where these came from. Watch for them in future editions of my site!
See a tribute page of my immediate family
Shocking photos of my sister revealed! Click on the link below!!!!
family page
Anna Roast!!
Semper Viva!
(From left:  Jaime Pohlman (Effner), Angela Woods (Travis), Anna Adair (Effner), Paul Travis, Mikey Effner
Angela and I were more SUAVE than an AQUANET in a RAVE of WHITE RAIN!!
  Here, we're all decked out for Grandma's birthday bash. (left)
Paul's Angels?