Welcome to our site about PSME! We hope you'll enjoy this page! Please Save My Earth is about seven normal kids who started having dreams about their past. At first, all of them thought it was just regular dreams until they realized there were other people with the same dreams. Knowing it was more than an image, all seven of them started to have weekly meetings and through sharing dreams, they found out that they are recarnations of seven brilliant scientists, who stood watch over the moon until they all died of the same fatal cause. These dreams changed their indivual lives forever. It brought out old fueds, friendships, and even unexpected love between two characters.

Moon Characters Earth Characters
More Information on the Mangas, Anime, and the author! Story Episode:1
Story Episode:2 Story Episode:3
Story Episode:4 Story Episode:5
Story Episode:6 Earth Images
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people have visited this page since July 24, 1999.

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