2 Thank]
OCCASIONALY [ OK, OK...a lot more often then
that ] I forget to thank the people around me for what I do. Sometimes our
busy lives don't allow us to be the friends we should be. Other times, I'm
just being a lazy ass. So this little section is for all the people that
have done a lot for me in life, and never really received the thanks in return
from me.
MOM&DAD: This goes without saying.
Probably the most underappreciated individuals in my life. They've dealt
with my crap for so many years, and continue to love me for who I am...but
yet...continue to annoy me with the things they do! There aren't many
other relationships that work as well as ours do :)
JENNY: A special someone who can deal with my crap! A special
someone who helps me function each and every day. A special someone who's been
with me when I was down. A special someone who I love.
HUMPTY: Iunno if you want your RL name posted up
here or not. Anyways, First off...wanted to thank you for being the friend
you are. I've known you for 10+ years...i'm getting old, I don't really recall
when we first started to hang...so that's the best estimate I can do! I
pretty much up and left the islands without saying goodbye to anyone.
Humpty's really the only one who knows why I guess. And when I come back
to party, he has never really treated me any less of a friend. Even after
all the stupid things I've done in my life, he's out to watch for me. One
of only 3 friends that I totally trust. OK...enough of being mushy and
shit....thanks man!
PINKY: Being another of the 3, I had to bump her
up here. Although it seems that we go through really rough times, I will
always consider her one of my bestest buddies! Although this buddy has
somewhat corrupted me, with my personal OK to do so of course...I've done a lot
of crappy things to her, mostly unintentional...but nevertheless, I'M SORRY!
Hopefully we can live through the bad times, and still come out as the friends
that I wanted us to be!
DJ HAPS: The guy who taught me how to
spin....which led me to put way more money then I should've on my toys! But
overall, I think my CDJs really were a life saver! Who knows, I might
still be playing that stupid game as we speak. Too bad you moved out of the 916,
no one else to be bored with me in SAC.
EDDIE EDUL: The one who's heavily influenced my music. The one who
gave me my first experience at playing a club. The one who gave me my
first experience lugging records! lol ;p seriously..thx for everything
E-DUB! - website -
Rhonda, Kevin, Shannon