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[last updated 10.16.04

[DAILY shiz]


flyer #2



[calendar & other crap 2 come]




10/29/2004 - EDDIE EDUL & DJ DAKINE

10/31/2004 - BAD BOY BILL @ EMPIRE



























[ASL & other useless 411]


NOTE: if you know me already, you should also know that A> I don't take many pics, and B> you should have already seen any pics that I have online. If you haven't seen them...obviously you don't know me that well!



AGE: 27

LOCATION: 916 / 808






MYSPACE : - right here -

HOBBIES: DJing, Clubbing,   Shopping, Snowboarding, Golf, Basketball



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[People 2 Thank]


OCCASIONALY [ OK, OK...a lot more often then that ] I forget to thank the people around me for what I do.  Sometimes our busy lives don't allow us to be the friends we should be.  Other times, I'm just being a lazy ass.  So this little section is for all the people that have done a lot for me in life, and never really received the thanks in return from me.


MOM&DAD: This goes without saying.  Probably the most underappreciated individuals in my life.  They've dealt with my crap for so many years, and continue to love me for who I am...but yet...continue to annoy me with the things they do!  There aren't many other relationships that work as well as ours do :)


JENNY: A special someone who can deal with my crap!  A special someone who helps me function each and every day. A special someone who's been with me when I was down.  A special someone who I love.


HUMPTY: Iunno if you want your RL name posted up here or not.  Anyways, First off...wanted to thank you for being the friend you are. I've known you for 10+ years...i'm getting old, I don't really recall when we first started to that's the best estimate I can do!  I pretty much up and left the islands without saying goodbye to anyone.  Humpty's really the only one who knows why I guess.  And when I come back to party, he has never really treated me any less of a friend.  Even after all the stupid things I've done in my life, he's out to watch for me.  One of only 3 friends that I totally trust. OK...enough of being mushy and shit....thanks man!


PINKY: Being another of the 3, I had to bump her up here.  Although it seems that we go through really rough times, I will always consider her one of my bestest buddies!  Although this buddy has somewhat corrupted me, with my personal OK to do so of course...I've done a lot of crappy things to her, mostly unintentional...but nevertheless, I'M SORRY!  Hopefully we can live through the bad times, and still come out as the friends that I wanted us to be!


DJ HAPS: The guy who taught me how to spin....which led me to put way more money then I should've on my toys! But overall, I think my CDJs really were a life saver!  Who knows, I might still be playing that stupid game as we speak. Too bad you moved out of the 916, no one else to be bored with me in SAC.


DJ EDDIE EDUL: The one who's heavily influenced my music.  The one who gave me my first experience at playing a club.  The one who gave me my first experience lugging records! lol ;p  seriously..thx for everything E-DUB!  - website -


OTHER PEOPLE NOT TO FORGET: Mischa, Rhonda, Kevin, Shannon