Nagoya 1998-1999

Imagine staying in Japan just long enough to think you are becoming Japanese! (Well that only happened to me). We did it. and this is how it turned out.
All the good stuff on this page is courtesy of wella =0)

group picture from IC Nagoya
Group picture- January 22nd, 1999
IC Nagoya

another group shot!
::sigh:: that was a fun evening wasn't it lads and ladies?

the NZers
New Zealand chicky babes

This Web Page is dedicated to those brave students whom spent the winter of 1998/1999 in Japan, on their AFS Exchange of a lifetime.

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Disclaimer- please do not take us seriously.

write away! anything you want to add baby- let us know!

hits since October 15th...
(boy you must be bored...)


Modified: Oct 2002