With a name like Rabi~en~Rose, Dejiko can't beat me!

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Mark Clifton's
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Welcome to my homepage! Let me tell you a little about myself, I am a graduate from Western Carolina University with a B.S. in International Business. I also doubled majored in Management, and was certified by the University of Hawaii in International Management. Currently, I live in the heart of the Queen City (Charlotte, North Carolina). I run several websites, including my most popular: Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage. I am also into a lot of things, including Animé, which has somewhat ruled my life for the last few years now.

Japanese Animation
Yes, a big fan of Animé. Some of my favorites are shown on the right. This attraction to animé has caused me to spend lots of money on CDs, DVDs, posters, wall scrolls, pencil boards, figures, plushies, and cells. Though I am not fluent in Japanese, I do plan to one day learn the language; if nothing else, just to be able to say cool one-liners to people. One of my long term goals is to visit the Land of the Rising Sun, I guess that's every Animé Fan's dream. So then the ultimate dream then is to work for a animé company; now that would be cool.

Anime Conventions/Cosplay
To some degree, it wasn't until I went to my first Japanese Animation Convention that I really, really got into Animé. At first, it was the easiest way for me to find Animé merchandise. But nowadays, I tend to hang with old friends and take pictures of Cosplayers. Here is my convention stats (most with pictures):   Anime USA 2002; Anime Weekend Atlanta 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; Animazement '98, '00, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05; Katsucon 2, 3, 9, 10, 13; 
Nekocon 6; Otakon '02, '04, '05, '06; and Sakura-Con 2004.

When I am at home, I am usually on the computer, typically playing games like Final Fantasy XI. Some of the things I do on it include surfing the web, chat with friends on AIM (or other chat forums), download Animé, and play games. Since I know a little HTML, I have created several websites. Most of which are character shrines from the popular animé series Tenchi Muyo! And even though I didn't get a degree in Computer Information Systems, I am A+ Certified; which means I can do dangerous things with one.

The main reason I choose International Business as a major was so I could get a job where I can travel the globe. Though currently I'm currently stationary in my job, I never turn away a good adventure. If it's half-way around the world or just down the road, as long it is away from the house. The current travel tally includes the United States (34 states), Canada (2 provinces), Austria, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Furthest points: North was Billund, Denmark at 55.7° N, South was Na'alehu, Hawaii, USA at 19° N, East was Berlin, Germany at 13.5° E, and West was Yokohama, Japan at 139.6° E (crossed International Date Line). I know it's not very interesting, but I do and that's all that counts.

Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi
Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi

Chrono Crusade
Chrono Crusade


Read or Die
Read or Die

Mark's Misadventures
Sometimes during my travels, I take along a camera and take pictures. If I have too much time on my hands, I build a webpage (or website) and call it my Misadventures. They can sometimes be one day events up to year-long excursions. In a zany way, this is the closest you will find to a personal dairy from me. Enjoy!

Here are websites created by yours truly. I don't always have the time to update them all, but when I do you can always see an improvement (or at least a change). Why don't you checkout some of my other fine work.

  • Fairy Princess Ren - http://www.angelfire.com/my/washu/fpr/
    I created this site for a series that at the time had not have one single web page about it. I'm glad to say that I was the first to have a Fairy Princess Ren site up on the web. If you haven't seen Fairy Princess Ren (a.k.a. Elf Princess Rane), do so, it is one of the funniest animé I've ever seen.

  • Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage (North America) - http://www.washu.org/
    My first anime theme site, dedicated to the greatest scientific genius in the universe. It offers pictures, character descriptions, movies, sounds, midis, fan works, goodies, and links. It is my most updated site and I believe the most popular Washu shrine on the web.

  • Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage (Europe) - http://www.washu.ch/
    The European Mirror site for Little Washu! If there is any problems accessing the main site, go here. The "ch" stands for Switzerland, which is country where the site is hosted at. This site is actually updated more often than the main.

  • Mark Clifton's Hawaiian Homepage - http://www.geocities.com/hawaiian_washu/
    A misadventure that needs its own website. Checkout some of the wonders I discovered during my three months stay in the 50th State.

  • Mark Clifton's Triad Homepage - http://home.triad.rr.com/mclifton/
    The proof that one should not limit his or herself on just one homepage. Actually, this homepage is living on borrowed time, because it was server space given when I once had Time-Warner Cable as my Internet Provider when living in Winston-Salem. Though I find it humorous that it's still up and accessible still (since March 14, 2001).

  • Kiyone.org - http://www.kiyone.org/
    This site is a image archive dedicated to Kiyone, from Tenchi Muyo. Rarely updated, but nobody seems to mind.

  • Sakuya Kumashiro's Destiny - http://www.sakuya.org/
    Another shrine I created, this time dedicated to Sakuya from Shin Tenchi Muyo. Though my most favorite is still Washu, I couldn't help but notice the lack of Sakuya shrines on the Net. So here is my answer to this injustice; complete with pictures, sounds, and movies.

    Websites of the Past
    Believe it or not, I had several other website that I no longer have up or I have given control over to someone else. After Little Washu's "Cute" Homepage went online in the March of 1996, I thought to myself that I could duplicate this with other Anime Characters. So I decided with two, Sailor Venus (from Sailor Moon) and Ukyou (from Ranma ½). However, once the basic sites went up, I spent very little time with them, totally dedicating myself to Washu. Thus the first to go was Ukyou shrine, it didn't have but a couple of pictures and probably a paragraph saying how I like Ucchan. Sailor Venus lasted a little longer, but was soon gone in early '97. It didn't have much either than a few pictures and several links to much better sites; near the end, it was also a test page for several JAVA applications I was playing with.

    In 1998, I help form an Animé Club at WCU, which I became its President and Webmaster. I ran the website for two years until I graduated from WCU. Most recent dead site is CarolinaHighways.com, which was a road geek site of signs in the Carolinas. That site lasted a couple of years before I stopped updating in 2002.

    Skuld here protects this page from bugs!

    Server Squatting
    Over the years, I have moved my websites onto several different servers. So just for fun, here is a list of all the servers I had accounts on in the past:  CompuServe (Three Months), Carolina Internet (One Year), SimpleNet (Two Years), Crosswinds (Four Years), Xoom (Six Months), Washuu.com (10 Months), Mikomi.org (One Year), Host-O-Rama (One Month), Tripod (Two Hours), Appalachian State University (Two Years), University of Hawaii (Three Years), and Western Carolina University (Four Years). Some of the reasons why I no longer have accounts with these servers is either because I no longer attend the school, I took-up too much bandwidth, or I needed more space. Probably my longest running account is my current here with GeoCities, go figure!

    Personal Things
    Want to learn more about me? No? Well, suck it up and and check it out. Here is some useless information that will not help you in life, not help you in school, and will not help you in love. What it is good for is to learn more about me, Mark Clifton! Learn my favorite things and sites, find out what I have in my anime collection, or just watch the cool kung-fu fight. Just click on any of the Sister Princesses.

    ~ Personal Stats ~
    ~ Live Journal ~
    ~ MySpace ~
    ~ Genealogy ~
    ~ My Anime Reviews ~
    ~ Pictures of Me ~
    ~ Favorite Links ~
    ~ Animé Cel Collection ~
    ~ DVD Collection ~
    ~ Funny Stuff ~
    ~ Domain Central ~

    Opps!!! Their is one princess missing. Find out who it is by clicking here.
    And if you haven't already, checkout the anime series "Sister Princess."

    Anyway, Thanks for visiting my Main Homepage!
    If you have any questions, comments or flames, please contact me. Mahalo!

    ~ ~ Last Updated on July 27th, 2007 ~ ~