Updates! 3-30-04: Okay, I'm in the process of creating a new main layout and new image maps and all sorts of crazy stuff. Because I personally HATE the whole idea of having the page just say "under construction." I'm leaving it like this and when I finish all the imaging and html codes I'm just going to make one MASSIVE update. The main site is going to focus on music and movies and such, while this site will be the secondary site. I have high hopes for all of this so wish me luck!

links Images The Pilots of Evangelion Evangelion, Simply The Fan Fiction Yoshi...

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This layout and its respective graphics were designed by Poison Angel from Images by GINAX. This layout, its code and Respecive images are copyright © Anya Katagi and Meiharu Arashi 2001, and are licenced EXCLUSIVELY for use by Nightshade (formorly known as Yoshiro Ayan). Theft and direct linkings are violations of copyright and liscensing laws and subject the guilty to prosecution.



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