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Links to All Things Japanese

This page provides information and selected links to fun!and informative things about Japan. It is intended for the newcomer who is looking for a one-stop resource to some of the best sites on the web as well for as the more experienced who want to learn more about the wonders of the mystical country of Nippon (that means "Japan" in Japanese).

Get ready, here we gooooooooooooo!



Check it out!
This says "menu" in katakana.

This says "Listen!" in kanji and hiragana.
Japan's national anthem is called "kimigayo". It is a tribute to Japan's emperor. Click the music notes to listen. See if it sounds familiar to you ...


Garden Kabuki Temple Kabuki Fall Bridge
Neat Places
Here is a list of fun! places to visit and all kinds of things to do to get you started on your journey to Japan. Each link features information about the city/prefecture including what to see, what to do, and what to play.

This reads susumu.
It means CONTINUE to next page

Thanks for stopping by!
Comments? Suggestions? Email me.
Web Design by L.M. Gesch
Last updated: May 6, 1999
A special thanks to the people at Atlanta Japan Web Town for making their an outstanding online graphics collection relating to Japan available to the public. I am very grateful!