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![]() You are the neko slave to visit since January 13, 2002 ;)
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This is dedicated to those damn cicada, it's on my devart account, but for those that wouldn't really feel like searching through it, here ya go!
This is just a quick response to the Japanese girl that posted in my guestbook. First off, I am very flattered that someone from overseas would actually look at my website, more so that I have been complemented. I would love to see your website too but the guestbook cuts off entries that are too long. So you can either email me (, or sign my guestbook again, and I am sure that I, and quite a few other people, would love to visit your website. Domo arigatou =^_^=
LOL it's been 2 yrs since I've updated. Craziness. Lots of stuff has happened since. Like...well, there's a lot so I don't think I'll kill you w/it all. I'm kinda gonna get published. Not sure how soon, still have to work out some story details n'the like, contract, blah blah blah. Hm? Me updating to make sure my website doesn't get taken down? You're crazy.
Well there are 2 reasons as to why it took so long to update. Reason 1: A lot of crap happened, that's all you need to know. And reason 2: I'm lazy, but I do have an animation for you! lol Also I'll try to fix the links and maybe make a layout that doesn't suck so bad =p
Gasp! Could that truly be possible? Yeah, I'm in NM now, if you have no clue what that means, then your geography is worse than mine lol I'll be hooking my comp up soon, we just need to find some MSN software to install onto it 'cause we don't have cable yet.
In the mean time, check out this band's site, they're called Soul Harvest. They have some great music, and hopefully my band (which has no website as of right now) will be up n'goin sometime soon. So click away! Mata ne =^_^=
MWAHAHAHA I'LL NEVER UPDATE F00!! No, but really, it's too much of a hassle right now to do it. Maybe after I jet down to NM and get everything organized, everythin'll be goin down =^_^=
Ok, ok, tomorrow I'm gonna seriously update the page. Instead of putting it off for a month like I usually do, 'cause I'm gonna install Frontpage or something to make updating lots easier for me. So yeah...I'll have plenty to update in the art area, and a few little comics I've been meaning to put up in the Manga area. Organization sucks...I wish I could get someone else to do it for me lol =p
I was meaning to put this up yesterday when I saw it, but I didn't have time for it. If you've been wondering if it's good enough to see, SEE IT. 'Cause I had some fairly low expectations of it and man...what an incredible movie. If you've ever seen/heard about the movie Event Horizon, one of the freakiest films ever IMHO, it's the same director of Resident Evil. And man I couldn't have been more glad that what I think is quite the expert on horror had been chosen to direct this movie if...I dunno, Wes Craven had done it or something. So yeah...go see it!! I still have that crazy amount of drawings to put up, so...wait 'till tomorrow, yeah. Odaijini minna =^_^=
hmm well I have A LOT of drawings done, but I'll wait 'till later to upload them ;) For the moment I do have something to put forth for you, it's a possible way to cure HIV, but since I haven't researched it all the much feel free to email me and correct me on it if you like. Here...we...GO!
Now, this's what I think may help. Basically take another virus, or maybe even the HIV one, and do huge amounts of genetic research on it. After that, genetically reencode it so that it actually attacks the HIV, and basically destroys it. Of course being a virus it can counter any advancements, and as such eventually wipe it out (I think). However the rate of replication would have to be higher than the HIV or else all it will do is completely stop it. The main problem w/this (aside from excecution =p), my friend pointed out, is what if the HIV mutates into something even worse? Honestly, I'm not even sure of what to guess. And there's the fact of what the body will do to the alien force, and if it does end up destroying HIV, what if it begins turning against the body due to the attack from the T-Cells and such? Hmm problems indeed. I'm unsure of how to deal w/it, but in my eyes (since I'm not too uuh connais in that area), the only way to deal w/a virus is use another one to take it out. Thoughts anyone?
Sploosh! Splash! Taking a bath! Remember that song...? No? What's wrong w/you? Never watched Seasame Street? HUH? WHAT IS IT TOO GOOD FOR YOU?!? err *ahem* Just click the KAP'd link up there and check out the new Splash page for the KAP'd website if you haven't taken a look already, up there is the banner, click it now! Go! "Double click the mouse"! ;) Odaijini =^_^=
This isn't really related to anything important, but just thougth it'd be something that any random person who comes here should probably know. Tonikaku, I was just finishing doing half the wash, and after taking my clothes out of the drier I see a GBA (Game Boy Advance) cartridge. Advance Wars! NO! A sudden flash of memory of me accidentally taking it w/me to Katsucon and putting it in my side pockets goes through my mind. Then I rush to go and try it out in my GBA and what do I discover...? IT WORKS. It actually worked! I tried out the battles n'stuff, and it works just fine. I really gotta admit, Nintendo did an incredible job w/these games. To be able to go through a washer and drier and still work, is something that I doubt could be done with a CD. So if you go through a lot of rough stuff, buy a GBA ('cause that can go through a ton of stuff too), and it'll probably take a (sledge)hammer to stop the games or the system. Odaijini =^_^=
Wow almost a month since I last updated lol. Ma, I got a few drawings up to show you, I'll upload some more later 'cause I'm still working on KAP'd. Here're a few drawings though, enjoy!
Well I've reconsidered, and will the page, and try to update it still. Tomorrow I've got some major tests so can't do much of an update today or tomorrow, but I'm gonna put up some music for Project X (after school club thing) for everyone to listen to, they're great! l337! Still workin hard on manga and other drawings, most likely I'll have a huge update ready after Katuson. Odaijini minna =^_^=
Hmm talk about harsh, just found out I got 0 visits this week. So if that's the case, I don't even know why I'm updating like this, but it's understandable that no one's visited, due to the fact that I've been fairly busy lately. After seeing that big 0 for visits this week, I'm thinking of shutting the site down. Unless I get a clamor from more than 2 or 3 ppl, it'll go down soon. Odaijini minna =^_^=
Just wanted to say that I'm still working on stuff, just that I don't have time to update the page with EVERYTHING I'm doing so far, and I'll organize the thumbnails sometime soon so that 56kers can check it out...unless someone's willing to do it for me ;) Ma, I'm also working on stuff for Katsucon so you'll see some stuff that's better than my normal stuff most likely. Oh yeah, I finally got a webcounter back. Odaijini minna! =^_^=
Well I've gotten into that whole CafePress thing. It's really fun, and in all honesty the whole reason I decided to do it is to get myself my own shirts for my own personal amusement. However if you wanna see what's there so far (I have A LOT of work to do for it to be any good), there's one shirt and a mug and hat will probably make it's way there this weekend. Have fun w/it! Odaijini minna =^_^=
Update: Added a few new drawings in the art area. Go check'em out!