WELCOME!!This site is dedicated to the many friends I have made through the "WITH LOVE" chat board.So far we have had four off-line parties in Kagawa, the prefecture where I live. You can find pictures and other details of the events through the links below. Everyone had a blast as you can see from the pictures. We are all looking forward to having the fifth off-line party soon. I'm sorry that for now, most of these pages are in Japanese. In the future, I plan to add pages with English information about Shodoshima, the island where I live, and other information about Japan. Please bear with me.ようこそ!このサイトは「WITH LOVE」ボードで知り合った友達のために作られました。下にオフ会の情報や写真などがいっぱいあります。よかったら、見てください。そして帰る前にゲストブックにサインしてください。Thank you!
第3回香川オフ会は無事に終わりました!楽しかった!来てくれた皆さんありがとうね!また第4回香川オフで会おう!スキャナーが故障しているためにオフ会の写真をしばらくアップできない状態です。ご了承ください!オフ会地図E-mail: shodoshima@geocities.com You are visitor number This site was last updated on 12/08/98. This page hosted by |