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ut st. george
life sciences

... i lose sleep... just to daydream about you baby ...

clar | tips | jan | nix

gabe: hey teddy bear!!! =)

nikki: "put that thing back where it came from... or so help me" + "willll be the next stop" broken umbrellas + pj bottoms + Geneva + commuting + street meat + buttered bagels + soup + innis res + md + frito hoops + fly days + church boy + clubbing + iconicity + mcchicken

04.16.03 ~ study week.. *sigh* i`m so stressed!!! the past few days have been spent catching up on my calc and chem problem sets... wow... that stuff is hard!!! my fault for putting them off til now.. today is another full day of chem.. tomorrow will be bio and so on.. *Sigh* no time to take a break.. the only good thing is that i`m able to sleep in for 10 hrs everyday now.. so i guess i can`t complain that much.. the innis cruise was a little dry.. not that many people were dancing.. mostly jus friends sitting around and chatting.. which isn`t bad.. past weekend.. went condo shopping. no luck for me.. then went shopping with family on sunday... so much for relaxing.. didn`t get much time to chill with gabe.. its ok.. have that one week between my last exam and the first day of summer school.. ugh.. summer school.. wasn`t even planning on going.. til i realize i can`t find a job... oh clar.. procrastinator... anyways.. better start on chem...

04.10.03 ~ tomorrow is finally the last day of classes... it has been one very tiring first year... i don`t think i`ve ever studied so much in my life.. it was like.. test after test after test.. than labs all the time.. there was no free time.. i had no social life.. my life revolved around school.. i`m such a dork.. and to make matters worst.. i think i`m going to summer school because i can`t find a job.. great.. another 4 months.. so technically.. i will not be having much of a summer... ahhh.... the only thing i`m looking forward to right now is tomorrow`s innis boat cruise... i`ll try to have fun... and watch anger management with gabe... blah blah.. i need to go shopping.. but there`s nothing out there that fits me!!! i have such an irregular body.. too bad i`m not super skinny and anorexic... blah... oh... this is myone weekend to have fun..before i start studying like a mad cow for the next two weeks for myexams... whooo!!! no more physics ever!!!! finally getting rid of it.. woo hooo!!! i`m so happy...

04.01.03 ~ i am so upset with the stupid government buildings.. ahh.. they cancelled my G test for today.. now i have to panic again when i take it in the summer... but i already panicked all night... stupid.. upset.. then i didn`t have to ride home on the subway last nite... ahhh... stupid stupid snow in april.. what the hell.. i`m so upset... stupid school.. it`ll be over in 2 weeks.. but no.. my mom told me to go to summer school now.. ahhh... dammit.. i need a job...

03.26.03 ~ just two more weeks of school... then two weeks of exams and i`m done!!! ahhh... i can`t believe it.. first year went by so quickly.. though it was crazy and very busy... it was great... cause i got to meet a lot of people and UT is not entirely full of geeks.. haha.. just like high school kids.. but i guess more competitive when it comes to marks... anyways... i can`t wait til summer starts... got to get a job if i want to move out this year... ahh... crazy..

03.12.03 ~ ahhh... studying for bio test right now... man.. there`s so much to memorize.. but i`m halfway there.. hopefully i`ll be done by 9... and then be able to complete a few of the old tests... life is so busy.. mainly because of school.. but other stuff... are adding to my stress... *sigh* school`s over in 2 months!!!! less than that.. i can`t wait.. but i need to find a job.. hmm.. what to do what to do.. gabe.. thx for putting up with me.. you`re the bestest... i feel spoiled.. lol..

02.23.03 ~ wow... reading week was so exhausting!!! and i thought i was suppose to relax and have fun... no.. i did nomework every day... ughhh... now i`m jus drained.. and school resumes tomorrow.. great... but at least i saw gabe everyday... man... it was great!! =) hehe.. and we watched movies every night.. haha... it was very enjoyable.. *Sigh* but now.. for the next 3 weeks.. midterms... ahhhh!!! what`s wrong with UT... why didn`t i choose to go elsewhere.. uggghh..its all good haha.. mm.. chocolates...thanks again for a very special valentine`s hun!!! i luv the lillies.. and the other things you got me... and dinner was "special"... quite memorable.. *muah*

02.13.03 ~ yay.. these two weeks are finally coming to an end.. ugh.. i`ve been so busy.. finally.. reading week is in a few days... get a few days to rest.. than start cramming all my hwk and studying all over again.. fun fun.. hehe.. tomorrow`s valentine`s day!! yay.. hehe i wonder what gabe has planned?? =) can i pay for dinner?

02.09.03 ~ this long long week is finally coming to an end.. wow.. its been so busy!!! labs, test, quizzes... i`m so glad its over.. and tonight and tomorrow.. *sigh*... going to be really tough... but when its all over... i will be able to enjoy my reading week.. yay.. and valentine`s is this friday!!! yay... i`m happy now.. i want to watch a movie... can we go and see one gabe?? next weekend?? good... i spent an entire 12 hrs on stupid chm138 hwk yesterday... why does browning assign so many freaking questions.. he really thinks that all we do is hwk?? ahhh!!! crazy.. and i`m so behind in calc... pooey... tuesday.. i`ll finish all hwk on tuesday.. hopefully anyways...

02.01.03 ~ Happy chinese new year!!! good health to everyone.. i think that`s always the most important one.. =) ahhh.. physics test coming up this week.. lots of hwk to catch up on.. why do i always leave it all til the weekend.. then it ruins it.. i guessi have only myself to blame.. anywhoooo... gabe.. soo happy we`ve been spending more time together.. jus chilling =) thx for putting up with all my pissy moods.. haha.. cause there`s a lot of them!! anyways.. i`m hungry. i need to find food..

01.25.03 ~ why is this month going by so slowly.. its jus dragging on and on and on... ughhhh... and the weather is way too cold for my liking.. *shivers* i wish it was warm again.. spring spring where are you!!!! blah.. anyways... homework is starting to pile up again.. maybe i should stop slacking off and leaving it all til the end of the week.. hehe.. i can't wait til formal and valentine's day!! =) common 2 weeks.. come now so i can start enjoying myself.. and reading week is less than a month away.. yay!!! break break.. hehe.. clar needs a break and it hasn't even been a month of school yet.. oops.. haha..

01.12.03 ~ went to helium last nite... the music wasn`t bad.. but the club itself was pretty dry... haha.. been trying different clubs... and ya... still prefer tonic over them.. blah.. haha.. it was fun having casper, dave and gabe there.. =) though i don`t think the three of them were having as much fun as the 3 girls.. but it was all good.. now i`m so tired... i didn`t even have much to drink... so .. blah.. yay for me.. another entire day dedicated to hwk... this sucks.. better finish it now... blah haha..

01.07.03 ~ blah... school has resumed... yuck... i really really really hate physics!!!! why did i ever enroll in that course.. ahhh!! today`s lab... went better than usually.. but still.. i didn`t like it... ugghhh... the good thing is that there`s no tutorials this week!! yay... get off school early.. hehe.and no chem labs til end of month... man... that`s so great.. =) gabe.. really really short hair! hehe but i`m getting used to it..=) so glad you`re back! really need to go clubbing... soo deprived.. *sigh* now i must be good and finish my homework.. blah...

01.03.03 ~ ahh. its finally friday.. these holidays have been going by oh so slowly... uggghhhh.. and its snowing today... pooey.. i was going to go clubbing too.. ahh. guess it`ll just have to wait another week! gabe`s coming back in 2 days!! yay.. and i got his gift.. hehe.. mission accomplished =) i can`t believe classes resume on monday.. ahh.. so not ready to go back... classes drain me.. very boring and stupid.. my TAs are stupid.. they don`t know anything.. all they do is mess me up even more... ahh.. sucks... i guess i`ll go out all day tomorrow and enjoy myself... nothing much i could do.. hehe.. dimsum was great =) and i went shopping finally!! i love to shop.. maybe i`ll go again on monday.. yay.. *gabe hehe.. drinking!!!* i think i`m gonna sludge and jus watch movies and relax.. maybe watch the snow.. hehe..

12.29.02 ~ yay.. gabe`s coming back in a week.. =) i`m glad he reminded me last nite.. hehe.. unfortunately.. that also means this is my last week of holidays!!! nooo... not ready to go back to life sci ..... ahh... i`m finally starting to enjoy my holidays... and i still have so much to do... hehe.. but i`ll be going out a lot this week... =) thank god.. hehe.. try my best to squish in my assignments as well i guess... i`m soo full... luv my cousin`s cooking.. great chef.. hehe.. i`m so tired.. i`ve been getting 10 hrs of sleep every night... i wonder what`s wrong with me... finally going shopping tomorrow!!! i didn`t go boxing day.. maybe they`ll still have some sales now? i need warm turtlenecks and pants... i have no nice pants... hehe.. dim sum tomorrow with marc, gav and sam... yay.. fun times.. =)

12.25.02 ~ yay!!! i woke up to a very white christmas!!! sooo happy.. since i went to bed and it was still pretty dry outside.. hehe.. yay!! now it feels more like christmas... gabe you remembered to call =) hehe.. i`m glad we were able to talk for a while last nite... hehe.. i miss our phone conversations!!! blah... i know you`re having fun back in korea... behave yourself. haha.. family party today.. wooo hooo!! fun times fun times... i`m so full.. jus had some pancakes for breakfast... when was the last time i had those.. the past few days.. i`ve been eating ice cream for breakfast.. not a bad choice hehe.. yay.. its boxing day tomorrow hahaha.. oops.. i`m suppose to be enjoying christmas right now hahah.. i want to unwrap my presents!!!! i`m such a kid... we found our turtle!! i think its dead from dehydration... it escaped from my tank in my washroom (upstairs) and managed to crawl down the stairs and hide under the christmas tree... man.. weird turtle... don`t know what`s wrong with it.. anywhoo... time to chill with my cousins... merry christmas everyone =)

12.23.02 ~ well yesterday`s dinner went well... i think.. haha... the prepping was really fun.. but the actual serving of the food and what not was ... hectic... but it all went well.. it was great getting to see everyone again!!! =) yay!!! the ice cream was weird!!! but the turkey and the marble cake were delicious.. mmmm.. yum yum yum.... 2 days left til christmas!!! yay... i got pretty woman on dvd!! thx nix!! hehehe... how did you know i wanted it??? lol...=) now i can watch it and be happy... its soo cold... i better be getting my white christmas!!! snow snow snow!!!! i need to go shopping for warmer clothes... yay for new cell phone!! its pretty.. hehe.. ok.. i`m not making any sense now...too tired from last nite...

12.19.02 ~ ahhh... the end of the first week of holidays is coming to an end.. *sigh* and what have i been doing? well... nothing really... been lazy.. relaxing at home.. and just.. chilling.. i miss my boy... i bet he`s having lots more fun than i am... in cold and non-snowing toronto... hmm.. but the good thing is my cousins are coming up from new york tomorrow so i`ll be picking them up from the airport.. yay! they`re so cute!!! and at least... they will take up my time and help me keep my mind off thinking about things... can`t wait til sunday!!! why can`t it come now!!!! i want to see my friends and sit down to a nice meal with them!! i miss you guys!!!

12.15.02 ~ woo hooo!!! done exams man!!! soo freaking happy!!! 3 weeks of holidays !!! oh yaaa.. haha... this has been such a stressful first term!!! studied so much and yet.. got crappy marks... really sux to be me.. haha.. but now.. its just gonna be all about the partying!!! i can`t wait... just gonna lay back and relax... catch up on some long awaited rest!!! hehe.. gabe.. you better be getting that haircut!! haha.. just look at the card!!! wa... looks like a hat on your head.. haha.. !!! o dear... i can`t believe you`re coming back up again tomorrow.. not complaining though.. hehe.. i wonder when you`re getting your ticket??

12.07.02 ~ 2 down.. 2 exams to go.. oofff.. bio on monday.. my plan for waking up early today failed terrribly... rolled out of bed at 1!!! o gosh.. i have soo much to study too... so i`ll be cramming and staying up late this weekend.. sux to be me.. on the other hand.. thurs and fri i had fun.. so its all worth it.. thx gabe.. for the m&ms.. and yes. i will be doing whatever i can to get that letter out from the bottom of the jar!!!! grrr.. how dare you do that to me! hehe.. jus playing.. just you wait til this thurs!! hahaha.. anyways... i should start studying now.. ooff... i just saw ice age! finally.. its pretty cute.. .but i thought too many depressing scenes for me.. blah! o well...

11.29.02 ~ yay.. only 2 weeks left of school.. actually.. 2 weeks worth of exams.. uggghhh.. meaning all studying this weekend and thenext... but its all good.. looking forward to the 3 weeks worth of holidays!!! =) i really should start studying tonight.. but i bought ice age and i want to watch it tonight hehe.. maybe i`ll find a little bit of time for tv.. hehe.. and maybe i should eat some more ice cream.. mmm yum! i can`t wait til next friday.. thinking about it makes me happy already...=) i recently discovered my new found obsession with buying cards.. any type of cards.. christmas cards.. birthday cards.. no reason cards... but its soo not worth it.. what.. $3 and higher for a piece of cardboard? ugghh!!! maybe cuz i`m not creative.. but they`re so nice! hehe... hopefully i`ll get through this phase quickly...

11.22.02 ~ oohhh... stressful weekend.. have 2 lab write ups...plus need to start studying for my exams.. and i`m a week behind on my problem sets... and oohhh.. need to work on semiotics assignment... so much work to do!!! hmm... but i want to go out tonight... oh pooh.. this totally bites...>_< now i`m just upset.. got my calc test back.. didn`t do too horribly.. its all good.. better do amazing on the next test though!!! ekkkzzz... ok.. need to relax.. and chill... i`ll be off school in less than a month.. must remember that.. off to work now..

11.17.02 ~ clubbing was soo much fun last nite!!! tonic was soooo packed!! haha.. kept on feeling people`s hands and bums.. right... but those two weird guys were sooo freaky.. ughhhh!!! and my toes became sooo numb from walking outside... too cold for sandals.. i`m so dumb.. anyways.. today was great.. hehe.. got to hang out with gabe.. =) just very very happy... =) thx ... haha.. and nooo... you should NOT sing beauty and the beast!!! man.. you and my brother are crazy!!!! crazy!!! i`m so full!!! ignore my stomach`s constant growling! =) i can`t believe exams and tests will resume in two weeks.. finally had the last of my midterms this week.. school issooo busy!!! i feel like my life revoles around school.. that`s it... soo different from high school.. but i`m not complaining.. i still luv university life =)

11.09.02 ~ crazy crazy week!!! wa... i can`t believe.. haha.. midterms are almost over.. ooff.. chem on tues... ugh.. i feel like crap.. then in two weeks.. its exams again.. man.. its like study study study!! sooo stressed out.. but yesterday was wonderful... so its all good.. =) got great on my VIC120 test... so proud of myself hoho... and then it was such a beautiful day yesterday!! thx gabe.. =) i`m happy...

11.01.02 ~ aiyah.. what a long long week!!! midterms!!! uggh.. they were all horrible.. i`m jus happy i passed!!! ugh. but this means i really really have to ace the following tests in order to bring up my GPA... sooo stressed... but its all gd...finally friday!!! looking forward to a weekend full of homework!!! hahaha.. that`s alright.. next weekend.. will be going back to relaxing and partying!!! yaaaa! halloween... had a pretty interesting time with innis people.. haha..thx guys..

10.25.02 ~ so stressed and tired!!! this has been a pretty quick week.. but next week is gonna be such a long week.. i really don`t want it to come.. 3 midterms.. 2 labs.. and a quiz.. fun times man.. i really need to start studying!! i can`t slack off anymore... after finding out what i got on my chem test.. =( yuck.. i`m such a dumass... but next weeekend... gonna go shopping.. finally!!! then clubbing the week after that.. i miss clubbing~!!! i`m a freak.. haha..

10.19.02 ~ ooohh... yesterday`s experience was quite interesting..right nikkiand jan?? hahahaa.. but its all good.. at least we know where we want to go next time when we`re clubbing!!!! anyways... this has been such a long week!! even though it was only 4 days long... i`m so drained right now... uggghhh.. and i still gotta finish that chem lab.. sux man... and next week will be a total study weekend!!! midterms.. yuck.. i can`t stand them... i really should start listening during lectures.. haha.. but they`re so boring... >_< right.. gonna try to enjoy the rest of my weekend now.. jus relax.. and not think!!

10.15.02 ~ clubbing was great!!! haha.. thx dom, jan and nix who went with me.. =) ahem... unspeakable experience lol... janice.. *winks* hahaha... okee.. anyways.. we really should go more often.. but stupid schedules get in the way.. this weekend has been great!!! even though i`m sooo sick with the flu and what not... going away for the weekend with my family wasn`t as boring as i expected.. i enjoyed every bit of it...looking at leaves aren`t that bad.. hehe..actually.. it was very relaxing... just what i needed after a monthof crazy school!!! =) can`t wait to develop my 10 rolls of film!!! priceyness... stupid physics lab!!! ooff!!! i`m still soooo mad!!!! i think he`s a fair marker.. but i wish the lab guy spoke english and knew what he was doing!!!oohh.. i`m sooo not done venting but i have much to do and tons of sleep to catch up on!

10.04.02 ~ and its the weekend again!!! yay.. i luv the weekend... actually.. its great and all.. but i really have to start studying chem!!!! the test is on tues!!!! ahhh!!! i`m soooo nervous right now!!! and i`ll be at school during that 7 hour break.. fun times man!!! so it didn`t rain this week... so very happy. but it was a little too warm for my liking.. i really need to go shopping.. i keep on saying that but i never really get anything when i`m at the mall.. not my fault at all.. next week is gonna suck!! sooo much to do!!! aiyah.. chem test.. chem lab.. chem, phys and calc quiz!!! yuck.. but going clubbing next friday.. (hopefully) to celebrate janice`s birthday!! i can`t wait =)

09.28.02 ~ yuck.. i really really HATE rain!!!! no.. you know how hate is a really powerful and strong word... well ya.. i really really hate rain!!!! it makes everyone smell yucky and ya... i got soaked.. soaked on friday!!! ahem... and the umbrella me and nikki used was quite.. "special"hhahahaha... vince.. you should return it!!! don`t even exchange for another one.. its crap! haha.. but thx anyways for lending it to us... and nix trying to use it when it was half broken.. hahaha.. funny funny.. and i think i`ve gone crazy staying at innis res for 6 hrs... i was so bubbly and crazy... not my fault.. confined to a small space for so long watching the rain.. yucki... but it was fun.. yes.. the royal tenenbaums was a very very weird movie.. i agree with you alex.. but it was funny weird! anyways... back to chem i go... >_<

ronan keating + when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There`s a truth in your eyes saying you`ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you`ll catch me where ever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all

~ updating page... =) please be patient!!!