From a little computer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to YOU via the World Wide Web
Welcome to the Runker Room e youkoso
My humble offering to the Internet - I hope you will find something interesting!

Edmonton AB Weather Box
Tokyo JP Weather Box

visitors since 12 May 1998

(22000); (22500 01AUG06)
(21000 01JUL05); (21500)
(20000 01DEC04); (20,500 01FEB05)
(16000 01AUG03); (16,500 01OCT03)
(15000 ; 15500)
(14000 07FEB03; 14500)
(13000 14NOV02; 13500 21DEC02)
(12000 28AUG02; 12500 07OCT02)
(11000 25JUL02; 11500 14AUG02)
(10000 22MAR02; 10500 29APR02)
(9000 09DEC01; 9500 03FEB02)
(8000 06SEP01; 8500 28OCT01)
(7000 09JUN01; 7500 24JUL01)
(6000 06FEB01; 6500 17APR01)
(5000 02SEP00; 5500 30NOV00)
(4000 04APR00; 4500 30MAY00)
(3000 11NOV99; 3500 05FEB00)
(1500 15MAR99; 2000 08JUN99)
(750 22NOV98; 1000 29DEC98)
(500 15SEP98 - new counter)
(1750 12JUN97-12MAY98)

Tadaaki HIRUKI, May 2006

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