Welcome to Irene's home


Hello there!!! And Welcome to my home page.

Well, my name is Irene Wing Chi Cheung. And yes, I am Chinese. Let me tell you something about me.

I live in UK, but I was born in Hong Kong on the 2nd January, 1981. (Please, do remember to sent me a Birthday Card ^_^)

I have finished my A-Levels (Maths, Art & Business Studies). And right now, I'm stuck in Scarborough for another year while most of my friends are off to uni (sniff, sniff). I'm doing a Foundation course in Art & Design at Yorkshire Coast College. Then I'll be off to a university.

To contact me, e-mail me, or for those who has icq can icq me on 7800168. And most of all, before you all leave, PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! write what ever you want ^_^


Following sites may not be working yet thats because they are still under construction. But please do come back to visit when u have time thankyou ^_^.


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