My Fav Anime


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Hajimemashite. Konnichiwa. Watashi wa oname wa Michikio desu. (hello i am Michikio) Dozo Yorushiku. This web page is partially available in japanese. THe more Nihongo I learn the more it will be displayed on this site and my other ones.

Alright DANG IT I know it sucks and soon it will be redone but Hell Im a college student. I am trying to get MY STUFF STRAIGHT SO I CAN GRADUATE. SO FUDGE U CICLES. okay im feeling better now I had to get that off my chest.

As I have stated before this page is nowhere near being done. SO I still need help with this page. If you are visiting this page for the first time or again just email me with some ideas. If You want to Link you page with mine let me know.

Now here's a little something about me. Watashi no uchi wa New York desu. Hatachi desu. Watashi no daigaku ha Lincoln University desu. Watashi wa ni nen gakusei desu. Nihongo o benkyo shimasu.

Lets see the theme of this page is Ranma 1/2 because thats my favoirte anime at this time. Thats it for now but if you want to know more email me at the below address. Um okay Here's the thing I have this page and another so they will all be joining each other very soon. Soon when i get a digi cam this page wont look so Plain. Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and when u do it should be better. Thanx sayonara and jaane

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