Welcome to DJ Atras' website

During the fall of 1998, I signed up for DJ training in WRCT-Pittsburgh FM 88.3Mhz. After passing the written test, got tranied for a few weeks, and passing an on-air log test, I finally became an official DJ at the station. My show is called Jazoo! (in memory of hide) and DJ Atras is my air name. Although I'm outta school already, I still like to keep this air name as my site's title.

I don't know who you are and why are you reading my web-site right now, but I'm sure there's something you wanna know about me. You can find it in the profile and resume section. The topic area is about my current life, things I'm interesting in or recently doing. So check it out.

DJ Atras

Last Updated: August 12th 1999