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33.6+ and Pentium 120+ Recommended
The following is a little bit about me:
I like to play basketball, street hockey, and soccer. My hobbies are collecting sport cards, flying airplanes launching model rockets, riding my bike, and target practice with my rifle. I go to Henry M. Jackson High School in Mill Creek, WA, and I am currently a Junior.
I like to be on the computer surfing the net, playing games, doing research or just do programming. My favorite news site is CNN, because I like to watch streaming video on the web with Real Video software. I was constructing my own web page at home on GeoCities but I didn't have time to complete it. I like to do some Internet gaming on Zone Internet Gaming or I use Battle.net when I want to play Diablo. But I'm still searching for more Internet Gaming Zones with faster connections.
My favorite video game of all time is Final Fantasy VII on Sony PlayStation. You can visit the Final Fantasy VII website by accessing my Links page. I made my own website on the Final Fantasy Characters You can visit it by click on the image toward the right. I got the game on my birthday last year. It took me over three months to beat the game. I didn't use any strategy guides either.
The game is about a guy named Sephiroth and his clone named Cloud. Sephiroth is trying to take over the world by destroying all the people and collecting the powers of the planet to become a supreme being. Cloud is the hero trying to stop him. Cloud joins the AVALANCHE group to get help.

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This page was created by T.Y.
Copyright © 1998 Tariq
Last updated: May 15, 1998
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