"Hi,I'm Jenny, Kittie has given me the web page to work on while she rests. I didn't like the old format so I changed it a bit." A tan and white hooded rat runs up "Miss Jenny? The rats say that they would like to help out on the web page." The rat jumps up onto Jenny's shoulder. "That's great Pisspot, they can be the tour guides." Jenny turns back to the veiwer "I'm sorry about ignoring you, The rats will be your tour guides for around the web page. I now leave you with Pisspot." Pisspot jumps off Jenny's shoulder and Jenny leaves.
"Hello my name is Pisspot and I am one of Jenny's many pet rats. Me or one of the other rats will be here to help you while you explore the web page, feel free to e-mail us or Jenny at anytime with comments or questions. Please have fun exploring."
A rat walks up "Hello my name is Moomoo, I'm going to tell you about this web page. This is a mostly Sailor Moon web page but it also has some other animes and shows on it. On this web page you can adopt a Sailor Angel. All you have to do to adopt one is download it off here and put one of the banners up and e-mail Jenny or Pisspot and tell them you have adopted some of the angels. Well that the basic idea of this web page, you can explore now." The rat walks over to where Pisspot is sleeping.
Want an adorable pet like Night_Star_chan? Just click this link "Neopets". It's totally free, and you can have up to four differnt pets. You can play with them, feed them, and other interactive things with them. Soon the pets will be able to get married to other pets and other cool stuff. Remember to use the link above so i'll be credited with your sign-up(my pets need the neopoints ^_^)
"All the pages are listed in a table on anouther page cause the table took up too much room, to see the links around this web site go to Links around this web site.
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"Email Jenny or Pisspot at lotsofpets@erols.com. Please come back soon and visit us."