WARNING: To everyone who wants to view my older works, I am going to be tearing down most of what you see and reconstructing the entire site (it's been like this for what, three years?). In any case, expect to see a lot of things vanish and never return (like the GSMIT stuff), while others will be tucked away into a tiny, tiny corner. My most popular works, the Dungeon Keeper Ranma series, will remain prominent, but for those who haven't kept up with my Fanfiction.net updates, I AM going to be finishing the series reasonably soon.

I'm finally making good on the promise. You've had almost a year of warning. Any new visitors will eventually get to laugh and ridicule the early works of me and my friends when I get around to making zips and tossing them on either Rapidshare or MegaUpload. If a link don't work, that's why.


- Dungeon Keeper Ranma 15-18, now in .html format, have been added, as has a guide to the creatures seen in DK Ranma 17

Senshi: Good or Bad? A file that I've waited for a while to add. Please look at it. ^_^

Zombie Survival Guide #3

Update 03-15-2005 - Updated DK Ranma 15.

You can still check out the Zombie Survival Guide #3.

In the previous two lessons, (which can be reached here and here), Lina Friend, author of Nightmares of the Apocalypse and various hilarious webpages (like Devoid of Thought), kindly covered the aspects of surviving an insurmountable army of the undead, sub-genus: Zombie. I have continued this.

This link goes to Graf Zepplin, who is a GOD OF FANART unto Variable Geo. Visit if you are at all attracted to large breasted females occassionally laying around naked or cosplaying as someone else (Yuka Takeuchi as Utena Tenjou, teehee!). He also does Tifa Lockheart, some Betterman, Viper, etc.

If you're opened minded about morality and such, check out Crimson League. Make sure you're of legal age to view adult material.

To see my olde fanfiction, go [HERE].
To learn more about Anime
To learn more about my opinions on Anime, Games and other things!
Visit my AGNERVUE captioning page, way better than my toon page, 'cause it's actually there!
To visit the Guest Fanfiction page!

Links to other sites on the Web and stuff that's right here!

If anything is bRoKeN on this webpage, e-mail me at akun16@hotmail.com and inform me of it.  After all, I might think something is working fine when it isn't.
For Free Hotmail E-mail
Tenchi's Vault of MSTings(now working if it wasn't)

To e-mail me and comments (on anything that you like or dislike), you can send e-mail to these two addresses: akun15@hotmail.com, akun16@hotmail.com
Thank you and I hope that you have a pleasant stay!

This International House of Fan Fiction Ringsite is owned by akun15@hotmail.com.

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