Welcome to 3761 Tokyo Island my
ANIME site.

Welcome!  My name is Ryan Christianson.  This is my site not your site but mine it belongs to me not you but me. It's about anime. I love anime all of it but my favorites are Poke'mon Sailor Moon and the Dragonball trilogy. I've collected a lot of stuff that I think you'll be interested in.  So please take a look around and enjoy yourself.  I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!

Playing Poke'mon on my Gameboy Color.

Watching anime on T.V.

Collecting anime merchidice.

I'm downloading pictures and constantly updateing so please (I'm my hands and knees) come back and e-mail me. I would like to meet new people and possably trainers so tell your freinds and help me out ok.

Visit the other parts of my page.

Pikachu World




Sailor Moon Image Gallery


Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
Email me! PLEASE!
[animeloverx@hotmail.com] P.S. If you,re one of my neighbors here in Tokyo please email me.

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as of 4/23/99