Hi, My name is Scott Cushing and in June of 1999, I earned my degree in Japan Studies at the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington. In addition to my time at the UW, I also completed a year of study at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. I am now back in Seattle and am working for a major wireless communications company. I am also continuing my study of the Japanese language. I am interested in both Japanese and Korean history, culture, language, and travel and would like to hear from those with similar interests. In addition to Japan, I have traveled in Korea and Vietnam. Recently I have ventured to Europe for trips to the UK and Croatia. Please enjoy your visit here and I hope that you will take a moment to sign my guestbook and share your thoughts and ideas. Thanks!

Me At Himeji-jo, August 1997

This site was last updated on February 1, 2004

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