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My Name is gmoswninja and I co-founded the Anime Purists Only division it's not an anime club persay. It's an fan made organization which persues our right to have the purest from of an anime available weither it's in a fansub form commerical or even raw japanese. I also support the following anime clubs check it out below these clubs are very good for what you're looking for.

Here's the anime that OSAMU's showing for november the details are included below for finding the club location at McMaster University

next showing
When: Friday December 3rd, 1999
Where: John Hodgins Engineering (JHE) Rm. 264, McMaster University Hamilton Ontario, Canada

5:00 Tenkuu no Escaflowne Eps. 5-6
Track star Hitomi has arrived in Gaea, a world of swords and mecha, where the Earth and moon hangs in the sky. Fanelia is torched by invisible enemies, and Van Fanel, herself and the guymelef Escaflowne are teleported to another kingdom. However, even then, her tarot cards point to impending doom. (SUBBED)

6:00 Mahou Tsukai Tai! (I Want to Be A Witch!) Eps. 5-6
Aliens have invaded Earth, but all they do is hang around, so everybody's cool with it. Enter a highschool magic club, dedicated to vanquish these polite invaders. Well, actually, the president formed the club just to meet girls. Imagine their surprise when they find out they actually KNOW magic... (SUBBED)

7:00 Blue Submarine No. 6 Eps. 1-2
In the future, the world's oceans cover most of the land, and the submarines of the Blue organization patrol the waters. This is the story of the Japanese sub, designated Blue Sub No. 6. First anime ever made entirely in 2D and 3D CGI. An Ontario premiere. (NEW! DUBBED)

Dinner Break
...or, if you're not hungry, duel it out on a Sony PlayStation or Sega Dreamcast, hooked up to the big screen.

8:30 Weiß Kreuz (White Cross) Eps. 1-2
No, it's not the Backstreet Boys meets Gundam Wing (the seiyuus are part of the band Weiss). Yohji, Omi, Ken and Aya are the White Cross - a covert crack team of assassins out to rid Tokyo and Japan of the Takatori clan. With troubled pasts, these young men will kill...some for reasons better than others. An Ontario premiere. (NEW! SUBBED)

FEATURE PRESENTATION Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz OAV 1-3
The conclusion of the hit TV series, Gundam Wing, the epic tale of four boys trained by the orbital colonies to fight the repressive Earth forces with four Gundams. But war is a strange thing, where you can never tell who's your ally and who's your enemy, and they may never find peace with themselves, let alone their peoples. Another Ontario premiere.

11:00 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OAV 3-4
A few people in the world contain a special psychic gift. It's a gift that let's them create powerful telekinetic projections, called Stands. One group of Stand users ally themselves with an undead vampire - and another group led by Josef Joestar is out to defeat their evil. Viewer discretion is advised. (SUBBED)

these are other series that we've considered showing or have shown if there is a title with alot of interest into e-mail me at gmoswninja@hotmail.com with what you want to watch

||Cowboy Bebop|| Serial Experiments Lain|| Gasaraki||
Nadesico: The Movie|| A Chinese Ghost Story|| Steam Detectives|| Ah! My Goddess!|| Weiss Kreuz|| Sakura Wars||
Vampire Princess TV|| Bubblegum Crisis TV|| Maze|| Twilight Q|| Rurouni Kenshin|| Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz|| Patlabor TV|| Outlaw Star|| Dragon Ball Z|| Ranma 1/2|| Saint Tail|| High Kick Ayane|| Revolutionary Girl Utena|| Escaflowne|| Yu Yu Hakusho TV|| Ninku|| Giant Robo|| Orguss 02||

All these titles have been suggested by our members, and as always, we'll try to get as much of the very best anime on our screen. Stay tuned.