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With the seal that blocked the entire world shattered and gone, there were now new places to visit. Unfortunately, that also meant new outside threats to the peaceful lives of the people living within the seal…..like two-headed siblings of a dead Dark Lord, miscellaneous dragons, traitors, cherubic, yet not so cherubic hellmasters and others like a wandering bandit killer who had the tendency to go pyro on something every so often. It was a good thing, actually. The same pyro saved the used-to-be-sealed world three times now, ironic because she was really on the conquest for more food, money, and power during those times and her motives tended to be on the not-so-noble side.
As the news reached all across the lands, brave heroes, enthusiastic travelers, and more sorcerers and others decided to try their luck in the New World. There were more sights to see, more monsters to slay, more trouble and treasure to be found, etceteras, etceteras.
Of course, this is basically the mentality of our somewhat cynical hero, whose only goal in life thus far is to seek a cure for his condition, which included bluish-colored stone skin and the self-consciousness that came with it. Of course, with the New World before him, that only meant one thing: More chances to find a cure. He left his pyromaniac friend, who was notorious for killing bandits and scaring off dragons (and potential suitors, but don't tell her that if you value your life), and embarked on his seemingly endless quest to find a cure for his chimera state of being.
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Author's Blathering:
I guess you guys are wondering what this is about, ne?
Slayers CHANCE is meant to be something like a "sidestory" series to the current Slayers continuum (for more info on the Slayers anime, check out some of the links). I heard that the fourth season (Slayers AGAIN) might not feature Zelgadis, Filia, Amelia, Valgarb, and other characters at all (with the exception of Xelloss, I think), so Slayers CHANCE was written as a hypothetical explanation to the question "Aaaaaaand where's Zel during all this?".......
No. Zelgadis, as much as I absolutely love his character, is not my FAVORITE character in the series (close, but not quite). The hyperactive pyromaniac of the Slayers cast (Lina Inverse) will always be it.
So why the heck am I writing this fic about HIM? Not HER?
*shrug* Well, the writers of the show can cover Lina and Gourry, but who'll cover Zel? I mean, compared to the rest of the characters in the series, he's the one who's really questing for something. Better him than..*shudder* Amelia, ne?
And thus, Slayers CHANCE was born. It's my first Slayers fanfic, and though I think I could never do this excellent series justice, I hope this story comes close. :)
I do not own any of the Slayers (copyright of Hajime Kanzaka, Rui Araizumi, TV Tokyo, Marubeni, and SOFTX) concepts and characters featured in this site, and I'm definitely not making any money out of the stuff in here. The images in the site are either my own fanart (with the characters I made up) or other images taken out of other great Slayers sites in the Web (like Slayers Pix, Xelloss' Slayer's Site, and the Slayers SD Image Gallery). The pages located in this website are copyright by Alexis "'Lex" Ericta. |