Okay, it's about time that I've finaly gotten around to updating this page. I mean come on, I've lost my password and login name enough times that I finally cleverly found myself a way to get into this page.
So let's see... College starts in a few days and I can't wait because I'm going to be learning stuff that I actually want to learn this year as opposed to Databases =( I don't like databases and can't say as I ever will. but I'll be learning a whole bunch of interesting stuff like javascript and CGI and all that cool awesome fun stuff so my page will actually be kick bum =) Anyways this is what I have on here down below.
JennJenn, Jenn
Well that's about it for now!
You are lucky number to visit my page since June 4,1998!!
Any comments??? E-mail me at -> Mail JENN!
And please feel free to visit GEOCITIES where you can get a free website (like this one).
My other page is at Fortunecity I believe it's 20Mbs of space. Fortunecity.
okay, well this is all I have now.. I'd like to inform ppl that I do happen to have html on my puter at home which is slowly turing into a kick ass page.