Welcome to my Website


Note: This page is not even close to done!
Be warned that soon it'll be majorly updated!

Okay, it's about time that I've finaly gotten around to updating this page. I mean come on, I've lost my password and login name enough times that I finally cleverly found myself a way to get into this page.

So let's see... College starts in a few days and I can't wait because I'm going to be learning stuff that I actually want to learn this year as opposed to Databases =( I don't like databases and can't say as I ever will. but I'll be learning a whole bunch of interesting stuff like javascript and CGI and all that cool awesome fun stuff so my page will actually be kick bum =) Anyways this is what I have on here down below.

JennJenn, Jenn

So now onto the stuff that'll either make or break this page.

Well that's about it for now!


You are lucky number to visit my page since June 4,1998!!

Any comments??? E-mail me at -> Mail JENN!

And please feel free to visit GEOCITIES where you can get a free website (like this one).

My other page is at Fortunecity I believe it's 20Mbs of space. Fortunecity.

okay, well this is all I have now.. I'd like to inform ppl that I do happen to have html on my puter at home which is slowly turing into a kick ass page.