- f l i p- h o p c r e w . c j b . n e t
Welcome to tha Filipino Hip-Hop Society's Official Website...

Do you maintain a Filipino hip-hop website?
Just send us your addy with a description
and will add you into our link.
Also if you have an organization related
to Ours, send us your Org. Name. If you
have a pic with your clique much better...
Hit with us, we'll put y'all up in our
site. Let's build a Filipino hip-hop in
our own way with flava in a positive
ways and ideas.

Design & Layout
Flip-Hop Crew's Official Website
(c)Copyright 1999-2005

Maintained by Flipz
Webmaster- Email us @

"To RePrEsEnT tHe ReAl SiDe Of HiP-hOp CuLtUrE iN oUr CoMmUnItY bY mEaNs Of ImPrOvInG
oUrSeLvEs ThRoUgH PrOpEr EdUcAtIoN aS wElL aS ExPrEsSiNg Of OnEsElF's CrEaTiViTy, MoRaL vAlUeS
aNd PoRtRaYiNg ThE aRtFoRmS."

Tha Flip-Hop Crew's Logo

We're tha first, Flip-Hop Crew's tha best!
Yeah, people might think we ain't REAL,
that's why we make this official website
in order to TELL and make it FEEL to tha
world that tha Filipino Hip-Hop Society
or Flip-Hop Crew EXIST.
We don't mean to brag because this is
something that can be proud of.
Truly responsible & has a proper knowledged
of hip-hop culture, known as the FLIP-HOP CREW®
(Filipino Hip-Hop Society), pledge to our
Heavenly Father to unite all concerned hip-
lovers in order to preserve, represent and
develop this culture. By means of unity,
friendship, loyalty, sharing & showing our
talents to the crowds. By performing and
using hip-hop not for fame & money, and
also to protest the right and welfare of
the members and the community as well.
Through proper knowledge, dedication, and
understanding, we are able to adapt the
elements of this culture for which the
spirit of unity towards our aims & goals
through entertainment, moral values, and by
implementing the rules and regulations
of the organization. We adapted and learned
by becoming one of the representative and
follower of this culture and a model to our

As I recall to the hardknocking year which was '98,
it was indeed so hard to start a kinda organization
that was peculiar to the people and few got the
diggity on it. But we lived up and continued to
educate and entertain the society of what hip-hop
is all about. Finding the balance from negative
to positive ways was the most breathtaking moments
for us FHC. Unity and knowledge brought us the
power to hold on, made us so strong with the
hater's negative feedbacks. But instead of
dissapointment it eventually formed into
encouragement coz we believed in our vision and
fought for our freedom of expression. Kickin dirt
though we never make some list on our countless
shows, we just don't give a damn to fame but we're
happy to help the community and our school. I'm
proud to reach my hand to the officers of FHC,
batch 2004-2005 and the members as well, for keepin
the good work! This year 2005, FHC was ranked
as the TOP 5 of all 75 frat/sor and org. at
NORSU. Entend my congratulation to our advisers..
Toss it up brod and sis!!

~ Flip-Hop Crew (FHC) as a pseudonym of the Filipino Hip-Hop Society, founded by 2snak and Dub J, who introduced Hip-Hop
in DC since July of 1998.
~ FHC, the only Hip-Hop Organization in Dumaguete City, ( Neg. Or) who was registered with an approved “By- Laws of Constitution”
signed by NORSU Pres. Henry A. Sojor, Ph. D. with Atty. Rafael Besas, Arch. Roy P. Solis, Prof. Rene C. Balasabas,
Engr. Petnar Saing, Prof. Roche Cabanlit as FHC advisers.
~ FHC Ex-Officio, Kimix II opened-doors to areas who loved hip-hop. Established new FHC Chapters in Amlan, Santander Cebu, Baybay Leyte,
and Mabinay. Continue to diffused soon the Four Elements in Bacong, Siaton, Bayawan and Dauin..
~ To represent the real side of hip-hop culture in our community and responsible for making us Filipino part of this culture.
~ FH organization, experienced downright chemistry of friendship, improve our self image, know the value of life
by developing our talents to get busy rather than losin our life into vices.
~ FHC recognized the power of hip-hop to uplift the youth. Which inspire and support them heads with concrete facts
and intelligent analysis about the importance of education, avoiding into trouble and making good decisions.
~ FHC used hip-hop not for fame and money. Hip-hop stands as our motivator and inspiration.
~ FHC is not just about music and fashion but it’s a brotherhood and sisterhood. A structure which individuals
organized with the same views and purpose. An attitude!
Just make a point here!! WE are not a Thugs,Gangsters,Pimps, Wannabe Ballers, we're talking about TRUE HIP-HOP here.
A hip-hop organization that never happened before...

"We don't have everything but we make the BEST of everything".

Bow down to the predecessors who brought Hip-Hop culture here in the Philippines. With our luv and respect to
Francis M, MastaPlann, Michael V, Denmark for thier effort in taking Hip-Hop on our history.

Flip-Hop artists namely Arstrong, Chinese Mafia, Boom, BB Clan, El Latino, D-coy, Gloc 9, Madd Poets, Legit Misfitz,
Urban Flow, Mista Blaze, P-Noize, SVC, Syke, Dice and Knine, Brownian Method, and also FHC Would like to give thanks to DJ Sked of Audible Lab Rats as well as S.T.U and Nomadd for their album "Balikbayan Project". A Filipino Hip-Hop group in Hawaii..

Blazin 105.9(Manila), Killer bee 95.1 and Greyhounds 101.1, the illest FM station in DC who supported hip-hop music playing it 24/7.

Solidifying the U-N-I-T-Y of DC Headz..Shout outs to 8bt, Antz, Tropang Hudaz, Stubo,Midnasty Crew, B-Boyz Crew,
Homedoggz, WDC, Straight Up Bloodz, Ground Fusion, and the rest we forgot. Just keep the peace!We be the illest clique...

- is the kind of art which expresses in the form of MCing, Breaking, DJing, and Graffiti Art.
- These art forms as we know them today originated in the South Bronx section of New York City around the mid 1970s.
Hip Hop has thrived within the subculture of Black and Puerto Rican communities in
New York and is now just recently beginning to enjoy widespread exposure. From a sociological perspective, Hip Hop has been
one of the main contributing factors that helped curtail gang violence due to the fact
that many adults found it preferrable to channel their anger and aggressions into these art forms
which eventually became the ultimate expression of one's self..

This is the vocal side of hip hop! Understand this
an emcee is not a "rapper"! Some do get offended.
Emcee'n is poetry. This is a combination of rhymes,
knowledge, vocabulary, beats, soul and rhythm.
Emcee'n is an art like all other aspects of hip hop.
One cannot become an emcee overnight. It takes
practice and dedication.

This is the acrobatic story of hip hop! The ultimate
mixture of gymnastics(capoeria), flexibility
and athletics. Just like a sport, it's to be
practiced. Once the skill of breakin' is
obtained, then other skills can be mastered
and or conquered. It's poetry in motion for hip
This is where the actual music comes in! You all
know that the party can't start without a DJ
in any circumstance. The DJ has the job of
lacing or sampling a track to bring any song
to life with any sound made with a vinyl record
and a turntable itself. Now and days there are
computers that do the job, but real DeeJays are
the ones suffering from the effect. So why not
give them jobs also to make ends meet like those
commericalized DJ's? Just a thought that should
be considered though.
This is the artistic side of hip hop (literally). For
a true graffiti artist, writin on walls is like
a piece of theirsoul lettin loose through the can.
You have ya throw-ups, wild stylez, and bubble
letters. Each artist knows about can control
and all that. I know you've seen at least one
tag on a wall, subway train, bus, where ever.
Remember those are tags! The actual art comes
in with the burners and the murals you may see
of someone's name, a story, or a cartoon

This is the knowledge of hip hop itself. Existence
within hip hop without graffin, emcee'n,
deejayin or breakin. Just havin love for the

Member Of HHBE
Member Of HHBE