Da QuEeN Of J-PoP

Amuro Namie is one of Japan al time succesfull artists.
She is the queen Of J-pop and rightfully so. Cause most artists "ureru" 4 a while but dey neva stay....

Aiight this is a summary of the incident that happened to Amuro's Mom... Much Luv to Her and hope she rests in Peace. AMURO'S MOM

Drop a line bout mai page Guestbook by GuestWorld Peep in mai New G-Book!
Read sum old shit dad pepo wrote.

Yo Wassup!

Yo thanxs for coming to my page itz under construction ok so be a sweety and help me out by e-mailing me da dead links and so on.

You may take some of the Archives off this page Please ask me which onez but please tell me the url of your home page HeRe and put a link on your home page to mine on all pages

Please pick a pix to use as a image link to my page HERE

I'm planning to reorganize my gallerys because they're lenghty to look at and inconvineient so I was goin to semi shutdown (close)most of my page but thought no so now half my page is just semi messed up but it'll be fixed sooner or l8tr k aiight l8tr sighn my guest book.

Mai DEDICATIONS to David and Kiichisan
(i will close down dis page due to da e-mail i Got on Kiichisanz Death )

SoMe ShTuFf

All of Amuroz Songz(MP3)(M3P) (dis is a dead link when i hab time i'll redo all da songs)

Amuro on TV


requested by HEDATA

ThE WeB RiNgS I'm In
Pix Of Me aNd Mai FrEnz PLuS a 411 On MeeH!

LyRiCs I'm missing a few but =P (I'm redoing dis right now)

AmUrO NeWs

LiNkS To PaGeS

DoPe AsSeD MuSiC ViDeOz

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Sighn Mai G-Book! Guestbook by GuestWorld
See what people wrote in mai New G-Book! See Mai Old Guestbook


Amuroz Nice One Cm

Amuroz New KOse CM *New (she looks really kyoote in dis)

Something About the Kiss (MOV)
it's free!

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