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Hey there people...
this is my (ange) hp  ..ok welll.. its quite early in the morning here...n im not functioning properly yet.. so ne wayz.. as i was saying..
this page is here to display some of my drawings... and to receive some critisism on it..(productive!! i dont wanna crawl up in a lil ball n throw all my dreams out the window!!). Im kiddin.. but i would appreciate some feedback on it.. ^_^
Drawings done on computer... These drawings were done from scratch right on the comp.. wit a mouse.. wen it was still quite new.. (i wouldn't try drawing wit it now!!)
Drawings left in pencil...
I'll be updating this page as soon as my scanner starts working again!
Follow the links on the right hand side... and it'll take you where u wanna go!!!
My pal Nadia's homepage.
She loves to draw as well.. and we share the same dreams... :)
A chick i started drawing >>>
while watching Fiza (yeah.. that indian movie with that roshan kid in it) I know.. theres no connections to the movie what so ever...but hey.. chek out the mask!! huh! can u see it now... im sure u can.
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