hello everyone wow its been a while since i've last taken a look at this payge of mine.. kinda forgot that it even existed,,,anyways so how is everyone doin in college? as for me uci is iight i guess but i really miss san diego..so are u ppl going bak home for the holidays? if so drop me a line i'd love to hear from u. hmmm sorrie i don't have any new pix to update mah payge with... wells i do got them but havent got the chance to scan them yet..but oh wells..sounds like i'm just babbling on and on..but i'm bored.. so email me people.. i haven't heard from u guys for the longest time ever.. oh as for everyone else who doesn't knoe me and just stumbled upon mah payge..i apologize for makin u ppl read this..but anyways... i'll see everyone around.. love always..meeh
Buh Bai everyone... Thanx for visiting mah payge..come again ya hear.. tah.. tah