Teri's Christmas List

(Please note that the DVD's and VHS's can also be found at Suncoast Pictures in the mall but they might not have them and if they don't please get them off the net thank you ^_^!)
> (***) really wants.
> (**) appreciate it.
> (^^) includes a picture on my picture page.

@ Amazon.com

Go to www.amazon.com, Then in the search thing on the left, click on the down menu and pick DVD then type in:


Then pick this one-

-Serial Experiments - Lain: Knights (Layers 5-7) (***)(^^)



If you did it right it should just automatically take to where you can order it, but if not pick this one-

-Neon Genesis Evangelion - Genesis 0:1 (***)(^^)


Do like you did before but pick VHS instead of DVD and type in:
>Sailor Moon
Then pick this one-
-Sailor Moon S ~ VHS ~ Subtitled in English (**)(^^) @Suncoast.com Go to www.suncoast.com, and then in the Movies Search box near the top type: (Remember Pick DVD'S!!) >

Tenchi Then pick these ones- -Tenchi Forever (***) (^^) -Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (***) (^^) -Tenchi Muyo: OVA - Box Set: 3-Pack (**) (^^) Video Games >

Parasite Eve II can be found at Sam's Club with the players' guide already with it, but if not you can find it at other places too. (***) >

Threads of Fate can also be found at Sam's Club with the players' guide too, if not you can find it at other places too. (***) CD's (not edited please) can be found at Sam Goody or Best Buy. Don't get them at Wal-Mart all of there CD's are edited >

A Perfect Circle: Mer de Noms (**)(^^) >

Orbital : Middle of Nowhere(**)(^^) Wall Scrolls >

Lain wall scroll- go to www.animenation.com then on the left pick wall scrolls then scroll down to where it says Lain click that then pick either of the three preferably the first (Lain Z-137) or the third (Lain Z159) one. (**) Books

@amazon.com at the search box on the left, click on the down menu and put it to books, then type in Sailor Moon and push enter, and pick this one: -Sailor Moon Supers #4 by Naoko Takeuchi.(**)(^^) And some other things like: >

Clothes >

A CD clock radio >

Sailor Moon Stuff can be found at Collectors Connection, Suncoast Pictures, and Hot Topic. Here is a Sailor Moon website with just Sailor Moon stuff- www.japanimation.com/sm